We need a change of thinking. Nikol Pashinyan

by time news

2023-07-28 11:03:44

Today Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan left for Gegharkunik Marz on a working visit. During the consultation held in the province, the 2022 plan of the Gegharkunik Governor’s Office was presented to the Prime Minister. activity report and progress of projects implemented in the current year.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Territorial Management and Infrastructures Gnel Sanosyan, Head of State Control Service Romanos Petrosyan, Deputy Minister of Economy Arman Khojoyan, Governor of Gegharkunik Karen Sargsyan and other officials.

2018-2022 were reported first. about implemented subsidy programs, according to which 430 applications were submitted during the reporting period, of which 386 were approved. The total amount of subsidy programs was 25 billion 367 million drams, of which co-financing by the Government is 14 billion 844 million drams, community co-financing is 10 billion 462 million drams, private co-financing is 59.7 million drams. The cost of subsidy programs in 2018 amounted to 1 billion drams, 4.4 billion drams in 2019, 4.4 billion drams in 2020, 5.8 billion drams in 2021, 9.7 billion drams in 2022. Subsidy projects were implemented in the following areas: asphalt paving, lighting, water supply, irrigation system repair, street maintenance, gasification, construction/renovation of kindergartens, improvement of parks, etc.

in 2022 The total cost of 34 projects approved by the interdepartmental commission with 144 sub-projects was 9 billion 691 million drams, of which the co-financing of the RA state budget was 5 billion 592 thousand drams, the co-financing of communities was 4 billion 63 million drams, and 35 million 413 thousand drams to other investors.

In 2022 148 construction works were completed. As a result of measures arising from the field of urban development, 350 monitoring of subsidy programs was carried out, 486 building permits were issued. permit, there were 8 micro-regional documents, maintenance of 124.8 km and 185.3 km of roads.

It was informed that in 2023 45 subsidy applications with 160 sub-programs were submitted, of which 23 with 144 sub-programs were approved. The total cost of the projects is 11.2 billion drams, of which state budget co-financing is 6.7 billion drams, community co-financing is 4.3 billion drams, and private co-financing is 88.9 million drams.

2018-2022 The Ministry of Territorial Management and Infrastructures, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, and the Urban Development Committee implemented a number of projects in Gegharkunik region. The total cost of the projects was 51 billion drams.

Since 2018, 350 km of roads have been overhauled in the region.

The works carried out in the field of agriculture during the reporting year were presented to the head of the government. According to that, the land of rural purpose in the region is 81431.4 ha, of which in 2022 37,749 ha were cultivated, including grain, potatoes, fodder crops, vegetables and other crops. As a result, a total crop of 170,974 t was produced. 2022 a program to promote the production of autumn wheat was implemented, phosphoric and potassium fertilizers were purchased and distributed to 10 thousand 555 beneficiaries. The subsidy amounted to 542 million 475 thousand AMD. As part of the government’s support program, 9 smart livestock farms were built in the region.

In terms of land construction and land use, it was reported that 68,700 ha of the existing 280,000 ha of land were leased, of which 45,900 ha are communal and 22,800 ha are state. The annual rent was 248.6 million drams. Lands provided for lease are: orchards, arable land, grassland, pastures, etc. In the reporting year, 170.67 hectares (193 units) of communal lands were expropriated, as a result of which 177 million 850 thousand AMD were entered into the budget.

Regarding the education sector, it was presented to the Prime Minister that there are 116 schools in the region with 27 thousand 551 students, of which 13 are in good condition, 65 are in average condition, and 32 are in unsatisfactory condition. It was reported that in the reporting year, the “Sustainable school food” program was implemented (267.2 million drams), property was purchased and construction was carried out (79.6 million drams) at the expense of the saved funds of the budgets of 28 schools, property and equipment of public schools were purchased with urgent programs ( 171.7 million drams). The officials also presented that in the 2022-2023 academic year, 1582 out of 2503 teachers passed regular certification, 80 passed voluntary certification, and 37 teachers have a category. The salary of teachers who passed voluntary certification has increased sharply, exceeding 400 thousand drams.

Currently, 4 schools and 1 kindergarten are being built by the Urban Development Committee in the region. Two more schools are being built by TKEN. By 2025, 26 schools are planned to be built in the region.

During the consultation, the Head of the Government was also provided with information about preschools and kindergartens operating in the province. According to that, there are 52 kindergartens with 3 thousand 732 students and 53 preschools with 1129 students. From September 2023, 8 preschools will operate, which will have 200 students. in 2022 5 kindergartens were built in the region, 10 were overhauled, 3 were renovated, it is planned to be completed by 2026. to carry out construction works in 22 more.

At the consultation, the Prime Minister was presented with the current state of the healthcare sector and the works done, according to which the Martuni Medical Center has been rebuilt, the Martuni Maternity Hospital, the Chambarak Medical Center, the Gavar Medical Center and the Sevan Medical Center are in good condition, while the Vardenis Medical Center is in bad condition. in condition. Those in charge presented the 2021-2022 budget of health institutions. the comparative budget, according to which the state order in 2021 compared to 2022 increased by 2.7 percent and paid services by 19.1 percent. The planned budget of healthcare institutions was 3.9 billion drams, the performance was 4.5 billion drams, that is, a 13 percent increase was recorded. According to the report, in the reporting year, construction works were carried out in health care institutions with own and state funds, property and equipment were purchased. Within the framework of health system reforms, a number of institutions were reorganized, 15 new medical services were provided in 5 health institutions, and 18 medical equipments were purchased.

Then the Prime Minister was presented with the changes made in the field of local self-government. In this regard, it was submitted that in the case of 92 communities, the number of employees of municipal governments was 1141. Now, in the case of 5 communities, the number of municipal employees is 735.

The 2021-2022 budget of communities was presented to the head of the government. the process of collecting budgets’ own revenues.

It was also reported about the Citizen Service Offices operating in the region, according to which, CSGs operate in 5 communities and provide services in urban planning, land development and land use, legal, social, health, educational, financial, tax and informational fields.

In the field of sports in 2022 A number of events were held in Gegharkunik region, in particular, the RA Prime Minister’s Cup: amateur cross-country cycling: 14 participants, amateur swimming: 7 participants, school team cross-country race: 119 participants, cross-country running: 72 participants, amateur table tennis: 148 participants. In the field of mass sports, the “Governor’s Cup” chess and volleyball championship was organized between the communities.

The Prime Minister gave instructions to those responsible for the establishment of intensive parks with the support of the Government, the construction of smart cattle sheds and the expansion of other agricultural programs, presenting them to the farms, as well as road construction, and the fight against illegal fishing from Lake Sevan. “We need a change of thinking in all areas, we need to focus on development programs,” Nikol Pashinyan emphasized.

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