Wedding at first sight: let’s be this couple, and learn something from them

by time news

How long did I wait to be invited to the wedding without going to it, without looking for festive clothes in candles, and above all without paying a check. Yesterday it happened, with the amazing timing of Tu Bab and right in front of the sunset, when Katia Aberbuch and Lior Oren, the most sticky and close wedding couple at first sight on earth, decided to get married again, this time for real.

Most of us were skeptical about these two. If I tell the truth, a man who agrees to wake up with his partner at five in the morning before she leaves for work, and sit with her over coffee and bagels in total darkness, the so-called – here I suspected. All of this sounded too good, too loving and above all too soon, and let’s not forget that already on the second day of their acquaintance, this pair of doves talked about rabbinate and family names. Calls in Romo of Olam.

But today we didn’t gather to discuss our question marks that have faded a long time ago, but about the most covered event in recent times, which brought together piles of glittering invitees and weight ratings. Before the canopy broadcast, we watched the preparations of each of the parties, the suit, the dress, the shoes, and everything in complete silence so that no one would know the secret of their love. The status is binding. After a short meeting of mothers in the plaza with Ilanit Levy who covered the event closely and made us all jealous, the most important moment began. A real canopy. I almost forgot the 350 guests, the photographers of ‘Keshet 12’ and tens of thousands of spectators who crowded in front of the televisions, but who’s counting.

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I have to admit that as much as I raised an eyebrow, or four, about the excessive speed in the emerging relationship, Katia and Lior seem more in love than ever. And this is something that can be seen from afar. As you probably saw, the canopy didn’t leave many dry eyes, their words one after the other touched the soft belly of all those looking for love as well as those who found it, and everything was more real than ever. As if these two were never strangers, and certainly not meeting for the first time at their own wedding.

With the same held breath of excitement for the young couple, it is impossible not to thank those who made history themselves – our favorite psychologists so much, that I already miss them. Apparently something in the combination of Danny Friedlander, Yael Doron and Moayan Boyman-Mishita cracked the system, and not only led to three couples who are still living together from one season, but two like Katia and Lior, who did it in a big way. Congratulations, you beat the statistics, we are yours forever.

guests of honor Danny Friedlander and Yael Doron (Photo: Keshet 12 screenshot)

And what do we wish for the cute Katia and Lior? I admit that I have mixed feelings, because on the one hand the wedding gave the opening shot to their happy life together, and on the other hand – it’s about time to say goodbye to ‘Wedding at First Sight 5’, and let the contestants go back to being anonymous, unless they want to stay with us in our minds for just a little longer Some.

This season exceeded all expectations, at least in my eyes. She restored some trust in a beautiful and naive love without a hint of cynicism, was much more diverse than the previous seasons, and above all reminded us of the most important thing – you can find love even where you least look for it. Katya, Lior, I wish you lots of love that you fly together, keep the custom of coffee at five in the morning, laugh, enjoy the little things, and don’t think about us, we will try to overcome the day after my wedding. After 10 a happy Av, the ice cream is in the freezer.

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