Welcome El Hadj and truth for peace!

by time news

2023-07-17 12:58:10

It is sometimes necessary to evoke obvious, conceived and accepted social realities. These norms, more or less respected, determine the strength of a group. Without making a value judgment, we sometimes hear this: “Here, it’s our home…” The law condemns this behaviour. Thus, when these norms are respected, these users are qualified as a “society”: society of marabouts, society of m’batoulas, society X. The family, religion, and the state are the more or less stabilizing structures.

The reminder of these evidences modestly invites moderation, sometimes healthy restraint. Recall is most likely an act that invites restraint when harmony is desired.

In the first years of his management, President Lansana Conté, God grant him His paradise! received and listened. We were in 1985. The chance of the invitations of March of the year 1985 brings together two diasporas around this curious general: Amadou Diallo, notary, Ibrahima Diallo, teacher, sworn enemy of the Sékou Touré system. At three, in his office, he said directly to Amadou Diallo: “You refuse to be my tax adviser. You lose a lot with this refusal”. Amadou, with modesty and firmness that could be detected in his voice, replied: “Mr. President, you will win, the country will win and peace will reign in our country”. This response from Amadou disconcerted the poor teacher. Diallo I had appreciated “the expression of conviction. Say no to a head of state, for the money.”

In 2023, this act must be evoked: that of this man (God grant him His paradise!), in the response of Amara Soumah, this noble Baga-Soussou of Kaporo. Amara Soumah, one of those who made Sékou Touré accepted by the Baga-soussou community, when he discovered the “true nature” of this leader, he definitively moved away from it. He stays away from Sékou Touré and his system, despite the pleas, the threats. He moved away from the dictatorial system. His house at Point I in Dakar has always been open both in terms of progressive ideas and in terms of dishes. His children, unlike many others, never complained about land, land ownership – Amara Soumah, buried in Kaporo, is a true patriot, humble social, truthful and kind.

Dear pilgrims, it is sometimes necessary for you who come from the country of birth of our prophet to evoke the humanism of our compatriots comparable to this envoy of the ALMIGHTY. El Hadj and Hadja of 2023, have the courage and the pleasure to evoke the acts of your religious compatriots. Go visit our fellow neighbors. Islam is a vision, a world that many Guineans embody. Guinea is a country of generosity, show by your visits, you who come from Mecca, that humanism is in Guinea. Many of you have visited Mecca, thanks to the generosity of Guineans who have not seen Mecca, but are in the spirit of Mecca.

Show the Muslim world that Guinea is a country of intellectual, moral and spiritual generosity. Guinea, a country of generosity, is nevertheless visible: “Hey Moussa, we learned that you sent your uncle to Mecca. You have the blessing of the big family, you have the blessing of the poor. »

There are hundreds of Moussa in Guinea. You have been to Mecca this year, be “revolutionaries”. Let us publicly honor those who sent you there. Let’s dream, let’s dream, let’s create the national day of the ”generous senders”. Let us pray for them, for their generosity, their humility.

Gentlemen of the Islamic League, consider creating a National Day of Generous Muslims. Be among the first religious organizations to innovate. Think about making our Islamic league more attractive. She deserves a newspaper that deals with important topics in the light of different Islamic visions. You must also prepare for a battle of visions and schools.

Guinea, which suffered from the dictatorship of a clique of unscrupulous people, must today be at the forefront of the revolution, of political innovation. It must be the cradle of impersonal innovation. We would like to read in the history of the underdeveloped countries: “Guinea is the country which gave impetus to the revolution of the Third World. “Let us highlight these Diallo Amadou and these Amara Soumah, and Guinea will definitely be saved.

Léopold Sédar Senghor, Félix-Houphouët Boigny, from large families, nourished by a universalist culture, defied ignorance, the spirit of sufficiency of the French colonist, to trace the path to knowledge and relativism.

We must destroy Guinea, a deadly country, and build instead a nation of tolerance, rigor and justice. The time has come to sing the love of neighbor.

Diallo I

#Hadj #truth #peace

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