“Wetten, dass..?” finale: Thomas Gottschalk came up to me and said… | Entertainment

by time news

2023-11-27 12:20:05

The stars have him to thank for a good-humoured audience: Christian Oberfuchshuber (46)!

HE is Germany’s most famous “warm upper”. His task? He brings fun and anticipation into every TV studio before the well-known presenters take the stage.

No matter whether it’s “Do you understand fun?”, the “ZDF Fernsehengarten”, or the “Giovanni Zarrella Show”: Oberfuchshuber ensures a lot of laughter before the recording begins and during the breaks.

This was also the case on Saturday evening at “Wetten,dass..?”.

Christian Oberfuchshuber shined on Saturday in gold and black, matching the stage

Photo: private

He animated the audience and chatted animatedly with one or two guests. Then the surprise: Thomas Gottschalk (73) stands next to him during the “warm up” and talks cheerfully to the mood maker.

Christian Oberfuchshuber to BILD: “Thomas came up to me. He pointed to my shiny gold suit. I also started with a suit like the one you wear. Not that people think you’re me.”

Christian Oberfuchshuber and Thomas Gottschalk talk before the start of the last TV Titan broadcast

Photo: private

Then the show titan jokingly added: “But hopefully that won’t happen, because unlike MINE, your hair is just… sh*t!”

Ouch! The saying stuck. Oberfuchshuber: “Luckily that only left me speechless for a short while.”

The creator of the show, Frank Elstner (81), was a little more compassionate. “I thanked him, after all he gave a laudatory speech last year.”

also read

Frank Elsnter was in the front row on Saturday evening and watched the last “Wetten, dass…?” broadcast

Photo: private

And not just any one. Oberfuchshuber was pleased to receive a very special honor in 2022. “I was named the best warm-upper in Germany.”

#Wetten #dass. #finale #Thomas #Gottschalk #Entertainment

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