What a self-experiment says about autonomous driving

by time news

2023-08-10 05:41:00

San Francisco “Hello Stephan” the Robotaxi greets me as I get in. A large display on the dashboard shows my name and my destination. The driver’s seat is empty. I close the door behind me, buckle up and press the start button. The self-driving car from the company Waymo pulls out of the parking bay and merges into the traffic of San Francisco.

This is the beginning of the adventure. Eleven more trips will follow. Waymo is one of the leading providers of autonomous driving systems. 14 years after its launch, the company is poised to offer a robotic taxi service in San Francisco. The city could be the first metropolis in the world to give Waymo the necessary approval on Thursday. And other cities could soon follow – also in Europe and Germany.

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