What are the benefits and properties of creatine?

by time news

2023-05-29 08:06:03

Creatine, a natural organic compound in our muscles, is produced in the liver from three amino acids. Since the body synthesizes it in limited amounts, it is necessary to obtain it through food or nutritional supplements to reap the maximum benefits.

What makes creatine so special?

  • Increases muscle energy
  • improves strength
  • boosts stamina
  • Speed ​​up recovery
  • Stimulates muscle growth
  • Reduces fatigue

What is creatine used for and how does it work?

Creatine acts as the structural base for phosphocreatine, a molecule stored in our muscles that provides quick energy during strenuous exercise and muscle fatigue. This molecule is transported to muscle cells, where it is phosphorylated by the enzyme creatine phosphokinase (CPK or CK) to form phosphocreatine.

The working process of creatine is as follows:

  1. During muscle contraction, phosphate bonds in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) are broken, releasing energy that allows muscle fibers to contract.
  2. The degraded ATP becomes ADP (adenosine diphosphate), thus losing its ability to provide energy.
  3. CPK transfers a phosphate from phosphocreatine to ADP, converting it back to ATP.

By increasing the availability of creatine in the cells, it increases the ability to quickly recover energy without the need for long breaks.

What benefits does creatine have for sports performance?

Creatine monohydrate has established itself as one of the most popular sports supplements in the fitness world, only surpassed by whey protein or Whey protein. Its advantages in physical performance have been the subject of numerous studies, demonstrating its positive effects in sports training.

Improves performance in training

One of the main advantages of creatine is its ability to increase performance in sessions where efforts are short and intense; like in:

  • HIIT Practices: High Intensity Interval Training.
  • Team sports training on court: basketball, handball, futsal, volleyball, etc.
  • CrossFit® and other high intensity sports disciplinesLike in fighting sports.

Creatine makes it easier for muscles to recover and be ready to perform another intense effort in less time, thus improving training performance.

creatine and muscle

Increase strength

It has been shown that a dose of at least 3 grams per day, taken long-term and without rest, is capable of amplify the effects of resistance training in athletes over 55 years of age who are exposed to a specific training regimen.

Creatine is capable of enhancing the adaptation of training with loads, which translates into a significant increase in strength.

Helps increase muscle mass

Its positive effect on muscle mass gain is due to increased lean mass, which has a direct relationship with the ability to express force. Numerous investigations point to the positive potential of creatine on muscle growth in older adults, as an adaptation of weight training, allowing to enhance strength gains.

Creatine is your best ally in weight training for muscle development!

Improves muscle recovery

Creatine can offer significant benefits in terms of post-workout muscle recovery. While there is still some uncertainty about its specific role in this regard, it has been shown that creatine can increase the speed of recovery in exercises of high intensity and short duration.

This is because creatine increases the availability of energy donors, which in turn improves performance during sports activities.

Properties of creatine in health beyond sports

While creatine is widely known for its physical performance benefits in sports, there is increasing evidence supporting its role in improved cognitive function and overall brain health.

In fact, recent studies have shown that creatine supplementation can have a positive impact on memory, concentration and the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, like Parkinson’s disease.

  • Creatine appears to reduce mental fatigue in settings such as demanding mental activity and sleep deprivation.
  • Creatine may also improve working memory, though probably only for people with below-average creatine levels, such as vegetarians and older adults.

In this way, creatine proves to be a versatile supplement with the potential to improve quality of life in different areas, although more research is needed to confirm that it is fully effective.

Creatine Uses

What is the best way to consume creatine?

The best way to consume creatine is take a daily dose of approximately 3-5 grams, which is the amount generally recommended in the maintenance phase. By skipping the loading phase and starting with the maintenance phase, overconsumption of creatine is avoided, which can minimize potential side effects such as water retention or excess creatinine and ensure effective and sustained absorption over the long term. term.

Although there are different ways to consume creatine, some people choose to do a loading phase followed by a maintenance phase. From HSN We recommend starting directly with the maintenance or continuity phase.

You can easily combine BCAAs and creatine in your shake, as well as add glutamine or taurine, as these substances do not interfere with the absorption and action of creatine in the body.

However, it is essential to consult with a doctor or nutritionist before starting creatine to ensure safe and proper use.

Creatine Supplementation Recommendations

If you are interested in boosting your physical performance, HSN offers you creatine supplements at the best price and in various formats, guaranteeing the necessary support to achieve optimal sports performance.

Creatine Monohydrate HSN

RawSeries Creatine Monohydrate Powder

Powdered creatine monohydrate is a unique choice in its composition, characterized by its excellent solubility and is perfectly suitable for those following a vegan diet.

Creatina Excel Creapure HSN

Creatina Excell 1000mg (100% Creapure®) de EssentialSeries

Creatine monohydrate in capsules is ideal for those who seek better absorption and avoid possible gastrointestinal problems.

Bibliographic sources

Be sure to read more HSN content:

Benefits for sports performance – 100%

Health properties – 100%

How to consume creatine – 100%

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