What are they and what nutrients do they provide?

by time news

Flowers have been part of human nutrition throughout its history, although from the 19th century its consumption had declined. Now it is easy to find them again on a plate in a trendy restaurant or in a salad on the supermarket shelf. What do flowers provide us? why have they returned to our tables?

Cristina Moliner Langa

The answer is easy: its aesthetic value is undeniable. But beyond that ornamental function, edible flowers have a lot to offer us. Let’s find out together.

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What species are edible?

The flowers that we can include in our menu come from many plants from all over the world. Although there is no official list, in scientific references up to 180 species are included whose safety or therapeutic benefits are endorsed by different organizations.

But not all the flowers we find are edible: certain varieties can be toxic if we ingest them, and some can even kill us. Digitalis flowers (Digitalis purpurea) are a good example of “pretty” poison

That is why it is important to know which flowers are safe to eat. If we don’t know much about botany, there’s nothing to worry about: we can always buy them in a market to avoid possible poisoning.

What nutrients do they provide us?

All foods are made of two types of nutrients: macronutrients and micronutrients. The former give us energy and we need them in large quantities; while micronutrients are obtained in small doses and help our body to function properly.


Like the rest of the vegetables the flowers contain many beneficial nutrients, such as water and fiber. They also have different phytochemicals, chemical compounds that are not considered essential nutrients but can be beneficial for our health.

Los fitoquímicos they are responsible for the bright colors and scents of the flowers. They can help prevent diseases, such as cancer, obesity, and heart problems, and are divided into three main groups: polyphenols, terpenoids, and alkaloids. These categories have different chemical structures and have different effects on our bodies when we eat them.

A woman places a plate of flowers on a table at the Plaza Athenee-Le Meridien hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.  Thai food is recognized throughout the world for its surprising combinations of sweet, salty, sour and spices, but the least known ingredient in this gastronomy are the flowers that decorate and season many of its dishes.
Comestible flowers.
Barbara Walton / EFE

Polyphenols are especially abundant in flowers, which can be of different types, such as phenolic acids, anthocyanins, tannins and flavonoids. The latter are the most common.

Some examples of flavonoids commonly found in flowers are quercetin, kaempferol and apigenin, and have been shown to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they can be beneficial for cardiovascular health and prevent cancer.

By providing additional health benefits beyond their basic nutritional value, flowers fit into the category of functional foods.


floral greatest hits

There are so many edible flowers that we cannot name all of them in this article, so we are going to focus on some of the most consumed species, for example, in Spain. It is the case of thoughts or tagetes (also known as Chinese carnations), very pretty plants that people often keep at home.

The pansies have flowers of many sizes and colors (purple, yellow, white…), while those of the tagetes are exclusively orange or yellow. Both are perfect for decorating and flavoring salads, soups, desserts and drinks.

But best of all, they are a source of natural antioxidants from flavonoid and carotenoid type. For example, the carotenoid lutein, present in large amounts in tagetes, can help prevent macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of blindness in the elderly.

Cutting onion.
Cutting onion.
Anna Rolandi / iStock

The onion It is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world, but many people do not know that its flowers can also be tasted. They have a less strong flavor than the bulb, they are used in the kitchen to make delicious dishes. Research suggests that they may also have effects beneficial for cardiovascular health and contribute to the control of diseases such as type II diabetes.

Two elderly people walking with backpacks.

less known, the electric flower or button of Sechuan it generates a curious tingling and numb sensation in the mouth, followed by an increase in salivation that reminds some consumers of Peta Zetas candies. This is because it contains a substance called spilanthol, It exerts a local anesthetic effect in the mouth. It is highly appreciated by lovers of gin and tonics.

In short, flowers provide us with a wide range of phytochemicals that can help control or prevent diseases. Beyond their aesthetic function, integrating them into our diet can be beneficial for our health.

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