What benefits does BLW feeding have for your baby?

by time news

2024-01-11 19:33:01

If your baby has reached six months, he or she will start complementary feeding. This is a perfect stage to start getting to know the different types of foods, textures, flavors and shapes. In recent times, Baby Led Weaning (BLW), and then we are going to offer you what it consists of and its benefits.

What is complementary feeding?

According to the WHO, this type of feeding can be defined as “any liquid or solid food other than human milk that is introduced into the child’s diet, in order to satisfy the nutritional requirements, without abandoning breastfeeding up to two years of age.” years of age, or later.”

Complementary feeding involves metabolic changes and endocrine that influence the future health of the child. So you should know what goal you want to achieve with the introduction of new foods and if you want to achieve them, you should never go in the opposite direction.

What is BLW?

The BLW is the “antithesis of feeding our child with a spoon and doing the airplane”, as expressed by Carlos González in his book “Se me haz”. It can be defined as a form of feeding in which the infant himself, from six months of age and depending on his neurological developmentputs whole, adapted foods into his mouth, using his hands, instead of receiving them crushed and with a spoon.

The promotion of this form of feeding has emerged in New Zealand and the United Kingdom in recent years and is also known or translated as Complementary Feeding. the demand baby-led or ACS (Learning to Eat Alone) method.

Benefits of BLW

The main objective of this feeding method is for the child to learn to eat on his own, helping him to decide what, how much and to do it. at their own pace. It is important to keep in mind that the child manages their food, but it is the parents who always choose which food options they are given and are also present to supervise.

With this method, the baby has the opportunity to learn to eat in a sensible, fun way and enjoying food. Among its benefits are that it helps develop visual-motor coordination and chewing and this, in turn, promotes speech, since it stimulates the strengthening of the muscles of the mouth.

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