What bug is biting me? A guide to surviving insects this summer

by time news

2024-07-10 02:13:06

Summer is synonymous with summer, vacations, outdoor life and even insects! For some, the bites of these little bugs are just a myth, but for others they can become a nightmare. Not only because of the reactions they can cause but because in some cases they are transmitters of more dangerous diseases. Which insects should worry us from a health point of view this summer in Spain?

Mosquitoes: dengue and Nile virus

“I can broadly show four types of terrorists, but the most important parts of biological transmission are mosquitoes, without a doubt,” Rubén Bueno, biologist and technical director of Rentokil Initial, explained to ABC Salud. Among these, from the point of view of impact on public health, the expert highlighted the tiger mosquito, which is a large and deadly species that arrived in Spain in 2004 through Catalonia and has been increasing throughout the Peninsula. “We think that within five years, practically all areas will be colonized,” he added. The scientist revealed that it was a mosquito especially anger towards humanity: « He is your favorite host. “Only the females eat, which takes energy to lay their eggs.” It is also a potential vector of various viruses, such as dengue, which is currently occurring. “We are having more and more cases in the world. They are already true in Europe. Last year we broke a record: 130 native cases in Europe between Spain, Italy and France, spread by the local smoke population,” he explained.

Another type of mosquito is of concern Culex mosquito or common, who is native. «It is the main vector of West Nile Fever. Although it originated in Africa, for many years it was considered widespread in southern Europe. The first outbreak in Spain occurred in 2020, with more than 70 cases diagnosed, with a few deaths, in Andalusia and Extremadura. Last year there were also cases in Catalonia and the Valencian Community. We know it is increasing,” said Rubén Bueno.

West Nile virus is a zoonosis that affects birds and can be transmitted to humans by mosquitoes that first bite the infected bird. There is no chain of transmission from person to person. In many cases the symptoms accompanying these pathologies They are “symptom-like, such as high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, skin rash.” It is important to consult a doctor in case of symptoms, says Dr. Manuel Linares, family doctor, member of the Disease, Migrant, Vaccines and Preventive Activities (IMVAP) Working Group of Semergen.

Ticks: Lyme and Crimea-Congo

Ticks have also gained popularity in recent years in our country. Rubén Bueno warns: “Although they are part of the animals that live in forest areas with a lot of vegetation, they are increasing in parks and urban gardens,” says Rubén Bueno warned. Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is a disease caused by a virus (genus Nairovirus, family Bunyaviridae) that is spread by biting an infected tick, generally of the genus Hyalomma. In Spain, the spread of this virus in ticks has been detected since 2010. In September 2016, the first human case was diagnosed in the Province of Madrid, associated with contact with a tick in the area Ávila. It is the first case found in Western Europe with an automatic reproduction, not an import from another region. In the last decade, a total of 13 cases and 5 deaths have been confirmed in our country. The last, of a man almost two months ago in Salamanca. Another tick-borne disease is Lyme disease. In our country, hospitals for this purpose have increased by 191% in the last 15 years.

Phlebotomos: Leishmaniasis

Sand flies, similar to mosquitoes but smaller, can spread leishmaniasis. Rubén Bueno said: “There are more and more cases in humans. It is an endemic zoonosis in the Iberian Peninsula, with different animal reservoirs (dogs, rabbits, rabbits, even rats in cities). Sand flies eat these animals and can transmit the pathogen to humans. They are usually sold in the evening in the lower part since they are less well ventilated.

Black fly bites

Black flies thrive in running water. The larvae are buried in river beds, attached to leaves and rocks. When they emerge, female black flies can eat a variety of animals and humans. It is not dangerous because of the transmission of pathogens, but it is quite angry. “The black fly bite, tissue tears With their jaws as if small cuts, a small pool of blood came out and they drank. Since they cause wounds, eating them is very harmful to humans. In areas of black fly spread, it is common, when there are epidemics, to increase medical attention in health centers for bites,” said the scientist.

Wasps and bees

They are very painful, but in most cases it does not go beyond that. Dr. Asensio López, coordinator of the semFYC Prevention Efforts and Health Promotion Program, recommends washing the bite with soap and water and using ice to reduce itching and avoid scratching. “If it hurts a lot, you can take paracetamol, anti-inflammatory or mild corticosteroid creams to reduce the inflammation,” he pointed out. But if you start to notice difficulty breathing, you cannot swallow saliva well, there is a general local reaction and all your skin becomes red, your eyes are swollen… you have to go to the emergency department quickly because you may suffer from you. an extremely important rough reaction.

Identify the bite

To identify the bite, it is very important to note the type of reaction they leave, which can be characteristic (in people with a high sensitivity to the bite of these symptoms): “Mosquitoes often leave little welt that itches, the ticks are small Master (we don’t see marks on the body), bees and wasps swelling pain and in the case of the bee, the stinger. The spiders, for their part, left two entry points (Genesis) and mood can be changed,” explains Dr. Manuel Linares.

How to treat them

Cleanliness is very important: “soap and water as a basic principle. He doesn’t do strange things like putting mud or toothpaste on himself. because they can get infected. And if it hurts a lot, ice and cold,” advises Dr. Asensio López. Then we can be more specific, as it can cause different responses in ourselves. “Each type of virus can cause different reactions and require specific treatments. For example: mosquitoes let other young people, ticks must be removed with great care to avoid frequent infections such as Lyme disease. We all know that wasps and bees are always painful and cause great harm; Furthermore, in the case of honey, the smoke must be removed. The most dangerous stings are from bees and wasps in people who are sick, and from some spiders (in Spain, there are brown or black widows, although their encounters with humans are very rare- an),” said Dr. Manuel Linares. .

When you remove a sign, you should always avoid leaving any residue behind. Good tweezers should be used to hold it as close to the skin as possible and pull up in a constant motion, without twisting. Clean the area thoroughly and, if in doubt, ask for a medical evaluation.

When to go to the doctor

Most bites do not require the intervention of any health care provider. Minor reactions include itching, swelling, and redness. But in some people, complications requiring medical attention may occur, including: “Severe allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips or throat, dizziness. Also infections at the site of the bite (presence of pus, increased pain or widespread redness). Sometimes general symptoms appear like fever, general weakness. It is important to consult a doctor if any of these symptoms appear. recommends Dr. Linares.

Effective repellers

There are many products on the market that claim to prevent mosquito bites, but which ones are really effective? “You have an idea use insects with DEET, picaridin or IR3535 (see indications for use, and need to reapply). The destroyers Creams and sprays are generally the most effective (usually used after sunscreen). In the case of bracelets, candles and plugs, their effectiveness is more controversial,” said Dr. Manuel Linares.

It also helps to wear long, light-colored clothing or to have mosquito nets on windows and doors. It is best to avoid areas with dirty water, where the presence of mosquitoes is frequent, or times of the day or places where they often feed. “Each buffalo has its preferences, some cities have more, others more in the countryside, in the evening, at night, in the house…”, lists the sage Semergen.

For prevent tick bites We must wear protective clothing and with bright colors to be able to see them if they get stuck. “Also use insecticides and check the skin after visiting forest areas or where the vegetation is high (in some areas with the presence of livestock they are also frequent),” the Semergen expert recommends.

In the sea: jellyfish or spider fish

On beaches, two of the most uncomfortable pests are jellyfish and spider fish. In the former case, a good way to prevent them is to pay attention to swimming recommendations and avoid if we see a flying flag that warns about jellyfish in the sea. If, despite the precautions, the sale is taken by one, the guarantee is «rinse with seawater, not cold water. It can be used sour to deactivate stem cells. And we must carefully remove the tentacles using tweezers,” explains Dr. Linares. In the case of spiderfish it is guaranteed Soak the affected area in warm water (not boiling) to relieve pain. And of course, consult a doctor if the pain is severe or if there are signs of infection.

How to manage at home

Beyond bug controls at the collective level, what can we do as users to prevent the spread of bugs? “Many times we cause the problem from within,” says Rubén Bueno, technical director of Rentokil Initial, who advises avoid accumulation of stagnant water (animal watering cans, flower vases, a large drain from the air conditioner).

“Every 2-3 days we have to remove this water from the gardens, terraces and patios to make it difficult for tiger smoke because if we leave it long the larvae grow,” Bueno explained. If we live in a problem area because we are near rice fields, wetlands or rivers, we must move mosquiteras to prevent them from entering. And also, use it self-defense in the form of local predators Sold in pharmacies and those duly registered by the Ministry of Health to ensure that they are effective and safe. For them to work properly, you must follow the careful advice on the label: use it regularly, replace it because it does not last every day, do not wash or use colognes.

Regarding the lamps for indoor use, “they are effective for the common mosquito, but they are not useful for the tiger mosquito that bites outside,” warns Rubén Bueno. For the latter, the ones that work are those of the repellent area.

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