What do we know about Sandrine Bonnaire’s accusations against a nursing home after the death of her mother?

by time news

2023-12-01 19:36:10

She accuses a public nursing home in Charente-Maritime of “medical negligence”, having led, according to her, to the death of her mother in August. The actress Sandrine Bonnaire confirmed this Friday in an interview with Parisian his intention to file a complaint. What we know about this affair.

What happened ?

Sandrine Bonnaire’s mother died after being hospitalized in Saintes (Charente-Maritime), on August 23, at the age of 84. She was previously in a public nursing home in Charente-Maritime, managed by the CCAS of Saintes. “She resided there for three years” confirms the CCAS. For Sandrine Bonnaire, who emphasizes that her mother “had no illness”, it was “medical negligence which led to her death. » In this 90-bed nursing home, “we noticed that there was no toilet paper, then that the cleaning was not always done, the sheets not changed”, affirms the actress in The Parisian. “She hardly walked anymore (…) but, several times, the carafe of water was placed at the other end of the room. Impossible to use. »

The expertise of the deceased’s medical file “must make it possible to objectify the conditions in which the nursing home or the health establishment in which she had to be hospitalized carried out her care”, explains for his part the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

Were any dysfunctions known within the establishment?

The ARS affirms that neither it nor the departmental council “received any report on this situation”, adding that it monitors the establishment inspected in 2015 and 2022. On the other hand, “malfunctions” had been observed, “with, for some, potential impacts on the quality and safety of care” indicates the ARS. “They have been the subject of notable but insufficient improvements,” adds the agency, which met the president of the CCAS on this subject a year ago.


“I decided to speak out to raise awareness,” explains the actress three days after posting a video on Instagram in which she announced her decision to file a complaint. “I can no longer fight for my mother who is no longer here, but I want to do it so that the care of our elders changes,” says Sandrine Bonnaire. “We need more resources, certainly an increase in salaries so that employees can work properly.” The CCAS emphasizes for its part that the nursing home it manages “is not intended to generate profits for shareholders, like certain large groups” and that it offers “a majority of so-called social places, for families who do not have the means to welcome their elders in good conditions at home.”

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