What do we know about the health of children conceived through IVF?

by time news

2023-04-24 10:45:16

It is estimated that nearly 10 million children are born through IVF. Sukharevskyy Dmytro/nevodka.com – stock.adobe.com

DECRYPTION – Children conceived by IVF can sometimes be affected by health problems without a particular type predominating.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) has revolutionized the conditions under which medicine can help couples become parents when they cannot procreate naturally. The technique has spread very quickly around the world: it is estimated that nearly 10 million children have been born thanks to IVF, and the oldest are now in their forties. Are they in good health?

For a long time, we were interested in the neonatal health of these children, which could be disturbed because of the high frequency of multiple pregnancies due to the excessive number of embryos transferred into the uterus, and the risk of prematurity which resulted. Fortunately, this risk has greatly diminished thanks to the improvement of techniques and the reduction in the number of embryos transferred at each attempt.

But what about the medium and long-term health of children and young adults? It is to this question that the National Academy of Medicine sought to answer recently, in particular by supporting…

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