What does life teach us?

by time news

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And if the living were the counter model of our societies which aim for performance, optimization, control and speed while the living favors slowness, errors, imperfection, redundancy and randomness… and if we had taken a wrong turn? How can we be inspired by this other way of life?

Have we taken our idea of ​​progress on the wrong track? And why do we persist? Faced with multiple crises, environmental, social, economic, in a word civilizational, it is urgent to do otherwise. By drawing inspiration from the living, from the third way of the living, to use the title of the salutary and frankly revolutionary essay by our guest the biologist Olivier Hammant, interdisciplinary and very undisciplined researcher, who offers us original and unprecedented courses of action for a viable and desirable common future in connection with nature and with our nature.

Olivier Hammant is director of research atInrae in the plant reproduction and development laboratory at the ENS de Lyon. He publishes The third way of life published by Odile Jacob.

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