What effects do economic sanctions against Russia have?

by time news

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For nine months now, Western countries, led by the United States and the European Union, have been subjecting Russia to a sanctions regime unprecedented in its scope. But Moscow’s war against Ukraine continues, ever more destructive. What relaunch the debate on the effect of sanctions.

How to stop the Russian war machine launched to attack Ukraine since February 24, 2022? The Europeans and their allies support kyiv militarily. They adopted, in parallel, massive economic retaliation measures against Moscow. Hoping to collapse the Russian economy and thus push the leaders to stop this war. Energy embargo, financial restrictions, travel bans for regime figures and their relatives. But, for Europeans, the energy embargo remains an equation with a thousand unknowns. Even eager to punish Vladimir Putin’s regime, they remain dependent on their big neighbor. Are they a double-edged sword? How to judge their effectiveness? What damage are they really doing to Russia and other economies, so intertwined? What transformations will they generate, or accelerate?

Our guests :

Agathe Demarais, director of global forecasts at the Economist Intelligence Unit, the independent research center of The Economist magazine in London. His book on the effects of US sanctions: “Backfire: How Sanctions Reshape the World Against U.S. Interests” just published.

Julien Nocettiteacher-researcher at the Military Academy of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan and associate researcher at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) and at the GEODE Research Center of the University of Paris 8.

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