What happened to the Oceangate Submarine that searched for the remains of the Titanic? A new study explains what caused its implosion

by times news cr

2024-05-13 06:42:54

A new study in charge of engineers from University of Houstonin USAgave a new theory about what happened with the submarine Titanof Oceangatewho was looking for the remains of Titanicwhat imploded inside the Atlantic Ocean.

This study was published almost a year after the news that spread around the world about a new form of turismo questioned for its measures security.

The news has raised the question of what exactly happened for the submarine has imploded and just on that trip the accident occurred that killed 5 people whose remains were not found.

Why did the Oceangate submarine sink?

The scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), which published the study, focused on the materials that it said were not appropriate to submerge the submarine at such a demanding location and depth of 3,800 meters.

It was the accumulated wear and tear of other expeditions that played a devastating role in the events as well, considered the researcher and professor of civil and environmental engineering, Roberto Ballarini.

What was the Oceangate submarine Titan made of, which searched for the remains of the Titanic?

He submarine Titan it was done in his helmet carbon fibermaterial that at high compression loads is susceptible to micropandeo.

This gives the possibility that its rigidity and resistance have decreased significantly, especially due to previous trips.

When did the implosion of the submarine searching for the Titanic occur?

On June 18, 2023 Titanwho was looking for the remains of Titanic, imploded inside the ocean. From this the word “implosion” gained popularity to explain a “reverse explosion” or an “inward explosion”, since its shock wave goes inward after a rupture or explosion.

The search lasted five days until they found part of the remains of the submarine.

The mission was made up of teams of:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • France
  • United Kingdom

In the submarine they traveled

  • Hamish Harding
  • Paul-Henri Nargeolet
  • Shahzada Dawood
  • Suleman Dawood
  • Stockton Rush, founder of Oceangate

Various voices have asked end these types of dangerous trips into the ocean at a depth of almost four thousand meters.

2024-05-13 06:42:54

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