What is People’s Artist Tran Hieu’s life like at the age of U90?

by times news cr

People’s Artist Tran Hieu Born in 1936 in Hanoi. In 1954, he graduated from the Vocal Department of the Vietnam School of Music (now the Vietnam National Academy of Music). After that, he became a singer at the Central Music and Dance Theater.He studied at the Sofia Conservatory in Bulgaria for 3 years. From 1986 to 1991, he was a singer at the Youth Theater. He is famous for songs such as: “Elephant” (Nguyen Xuan Khoat), “Ho Hoang Van” (Hoang Van), “Lanh Tuong Ca” (Luu Huu Phuoc), “I am Le Anh Nuremberg”, “Anh The funny postman” (Dam Thanh)…In addition to being a leading voice in the red music industry, People’s Artist Tran Hieu is known as the father of singer Tran Thu Ha (Ha Tran), brother of musician Tran Tien. The audience is always impressed with Tran Hieu as a generous and funny artist. Even though he is old, he performs children’s songs very charmingly and is loved by many generations of students.He is also a pedagogue, who has trained many talented artists of vocal art such as: Late People’s Artist Y Moan, People’s Artist Thanh Hoa, People’s Artist Quoc Hung, People’s Artist Tan Minh, singer Trong Tan…During a media meeting in Hanoi, People’s Artist Tran Hieu said that he has an endless passion for music. He has been singing since he was 11 years old. He is now 88 years old and still has the “blood and fire” in him. Every time he listens to music, he feels excited and full of emotions.Every time guests come to our house, despite his old age and weak health, the male People’s Artist still plays and sings for the guests with excitement.Regarding his personal life, after two past marriages, People’s Artist Tran Hieu admitted that he had good fortune, so he met a wonderful woman in his old age, who also made him the happiest. Wife of People’s Artist Tran Hieu His name is Minh Nga, 18 years younger than him, originally from Hanoi, used to be a teacher. People’s Artist Tran Hieu and his wife live in a house filled with the green of trees and flowers. He once confided that he was very lucky to have met a wife who was like a “fairy”, taking care of him as attentively as taking care of a “big baby”. Tran Hieu shared with VietNamNet: “At first, it was very difficult for us to get together. The children and both sides of the family did not seem to sympathize, fearing that we would suffer and advised the elderly to stay put. Now, Everyone knows that we come together not only out of love but also out of deep affection, so they sympathize and support us. There’s nothing like understanding from our children for the happiness at the end of life.”People’s Artist Tran Hieu suffers from many old age diseases so he has to abstain from many things. Every day, Mrs. Minh Nga goes to the market early and prepares food herself. “She loves me. Fish and meat have to be removed from the bones, meticulously, little by little. My wife is very wonderful, not only I feel it, but my friends all say so. I’m very happy. Old age reduces loneliness when The couple knows how to love each other,” People’s Artist Tran Hieu shared.

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