What is the Rucking Method or walking with weights?

by time news

2024-01-02 11:59:16
This new training concept, arising from the training carried out by the military during their preparation phase, has become popular as a new way of exercising and improving not only strength, the cardiovascular system but also in body fat loss programs.“Rucking” consists of hiking with an extra load, whether with a heavy backpack, a weighted vest or any other material that adds additional load during practice.Not only is it an activity available to everyone, but in the preparatory phases of seasons, it is an alternative that many endurance athletes use to improve our general physical condition.

Benefits of walking with weights

This training method allows you to improve not only cardiovascular strength, but also whole body strengthespecially the lower limbs (buttocks and legs) since It basically consists of hiking with an additional load of equipment.

But we found many more benefits that will make you start incorporating this type of activity. if you are an endurance athlete, if you want to improve your health in general what are you looking for decrease your body fat percentage.

It is a low impact activity: Unlike running and trail running, there is no joint impact, which makes it suitable for the general public.Improves core aerobic endurance: Which is perfect for improving tissue oxygenation and mitochondrial function.Outdoor exercise: Better supply of clean oxygen, contact with nature and open spaces, supply of vitamin D.Increases energy expenditure: You will have to move your body with an extra load, which means you will have to increase energy expenditure for the same activity.Suitable for the general public: And complementary activity if you are already an athlete or go to the gym.Improves posture and balance: As long as we try to maintain an aligned position with that extra load; development of strength and dorsal muscles.It can be done anywhere: Although it is more challenging if you choose a varied terrain with a certain unevenness to increase lower limb strength and be somewhat more demanding on a cardiovascular level.

How to start rucking?

The rucking method is easy to implement in your daily routine, whether it is exercise or physical activity, since It consists of walking at a light pace with an additional load.

The ideal is to start the first weeks with short walks, between 30 minutes and 1 hourdepending on your current fitness level and with a load that does not exceed 10% of your body weight.

Then, you can gradually increase the duration and extra weight.

As you progress in the activity, it can be progressively increased up to 20-25% of body weight.

According to the correct technique you need to pay special attention to the following points:

Perform good abdominal breathing.Wear appropriate footwear for hikingespecially if it is on uneven terrain or mountains: that it has good grip on the sole (heels, for example), and ankle support.Maintain good postureas upright as possible, avoiding putting your shoulders forward,

To avoid overloads and/or injuries, we need to complement this type of activity with compensatory work:

Do good mobility work on your ankles before starting the activity, as well as analytical ankle strength exercises.Strength work on your back muscles.Stretches of the anterior chain.

Types of weights or weights

We can use a schoolbag to which we put that extra load, use ankle weights (although here the load is distributed differently), or weighted vests.

The simplest thing is use a backpack that is comfortable for you and with the back part somewhat padded to avoid discomfort during the walk. You can add objects of a certain density such as books, drums with water.

It is preferable to use a weighted vest since the weight will be better distributed.

There are those who also use weights on their ankles, But keep in mind in this case that the load is not distributed equally and there is greater tension in the hip flexors and quadratus lumborum.

It is the most advisable, especially if the activity is going to be prolonged in duration.

There are also soil drags. In this case, the work is more oriented towards the traction strength of the lower limbs and is usually used by athletes with more experience and level who are looking for a specific job.

TIP: When carrying a backpack, we tend to round our back and slouch. He has his hands gripping the straps of his backpack to prevent this from happening.

Routines to start running with weights

Here we propose different types of sessions depending on current fitness level, to start practicing the rucking method. Although it can be done anywhere, the ideal is to do it in a varied terrain with some unevenness: tracks, roads, countryside and mountains.

Sessions to start:

2-3 times a week On non-consecutive days, 30-minute walks with a load between 5-10% of your body weight.

Increase the intensity in the following weeks:

Same number of sessions slightly increasing the load.A session of longer duration: between 45 minutes and an hour. Same sessions and greater unevenness of terrain.

You can implement them for 4 weeks before moving to the next level.

Intermediate level sessions:

If you already have a good level of fitness, you are an endurance athlete (triathlete, cyclist, runner), you can include 1 or 2 sessions a week as complementary work.

2 days a week with a extra load between 10-20% of your own body weightstarting with walks between 30-45 minutes duration. 1 day a week as low-intensity, long-duration work between 60-90 minutes on varied terrain with some unevenness and an extra load between the 10-20% of your own body weight.

You can implement them for 4 weeks before moving to the next level.

Advanced level sessions:

If you have good levels of strength and endurance, add between one or three sessions a week of this activityit will be the perfect complement to improve your strength, resistance and posture.

Uneven terrain: with a charge between the 15-25% of your own body weightwalk between 30-60 minutes duration.CACO (WALK-RUN): you can Alternate walking intervals with short intervals of 2-3 minutes of easy jogging to increase training intensity. In this case, the load between 10-15% of your own body weight.

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