What made Liran Strauber cancel the surprise wedding to Tal Talmon

by time news

Liran Strauber had already planned the surprise wedding down to the last detail. Tal Talmon, his partner and mother of his two-year-old son. On January 29, Talmon will celebrate her 40th birthday, and he organized a birthday party for her, including good food, music, and favors. Some of the guests were already in the secret that the highlight of the event would be a surprise wedding. Strauber planned to have a civil wedding and say words of love to his bride but at the last minute he got cold feet. He shared the idea with Tal, she thanked him for saving her from a small heart attack, reassured him that it was really not urgent for her, but immediately they started planning a wedding party together, not surprisingly.
Now Talmon is already frantically searching for a white wedding dress. The chosen place: Sora Mara, a bar located on the tenth floor of a building in the center of Tel Aviv with a lot of fine alcohol and music, “the best party in the world” says Liran and Tal specifies that 80 people, family members and close friends will come: “It is important for us to have an intimate event.” In the meantime, they are working on all the details of the ceremony that will take place next weekend.

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Liran, why are you scared?
We bought an apartment in Ra’anana, in the same project where we currently live in rent. Two days after the surprise wedding I planned, we are about to move in. There are more renovations on the way. Suddenly it seems to me that both the surprise and the moving of the apartment are too big for me.”

The Strauber and Talmon couple were married, in total, five times. He is three and she is twice: his first wife was Lilac, the mother of his two sons (26 and 23). They divorced in 2004 after nine years. His second wife was the former MK Inbal Gabrieli, with whom he had a son, now 16 years old. They married in 2006 and divorced three years later. He married for the third time to Eleanor Avigdal in 2011 and two years later they divorced. Tal was married for half a year to Yoni Avital, Milly Avital’s brother, and they divorced only six months later. Her second marriage was in 2010 to restaurateur and millionaire race winner Shai Kahana, and two years later they divorced. She is twice. Now this is already the sixth time together, but they are sure that this time is really the last one and that this time is forever.

Where does this security come from after all the marriage systems you’ve been through?
Strauber: “Until I met Tal, I was alone for a year and a half. After being in the story of marriage and divorce three times, I admit that I gave up, I wasn’t hurt, but I no longer believed in marriage and I found my love and decided that I would enjoy it. From the moment I saw Tal, everything changed. This is absolutely For the last time, she’s stuck with me. We’ve been together for four years now. I discovered a girl who is full of heart, vulnerable and sensitive.”
Talmon: “At the time, I was desperate about marriage and I had thoughts of having a child and being a single mother, and then Liran appeared. The most unexpected.”

Tell me about the first meeting?
Strauber: “We met on a TV morning show. We hugged good morning and already in the hug something else was felt. It was Friday and we haven’t been apart since. We went together to an event in Safed and the whole weekend we were together and talked and opened our hearts. After a week she officially moved in with me. There is Things that happen quickly and are precise and are beyond our understanding. Tal is the whole world.”
Talmon: “I immediately felt with him that there was something different here than anything I had in the past. We didn’t want to leave each other. I looked at him, at the zero ego he has, and it was impossible not to be impressed. After one day he told me he loved me and I said to myself what A screwed up person, after one day he already loves me. Another day later I woke up in the morning and told him: ‘I love you too’.”

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We met them at the launch event of the active clothing brand from Delta PANTA REI. Strauber has been Delta’s national territory manager for 7 years and the company’s fourth store, which opened in the Azrieli Rashonim mall in Rishon Lezion, is definitely a reason to celebrate. Talmon and Strauber arrived as models with the clothes from the new women’s and men’s collection with technologies exclusive and unique to the brand, designed to support sports performance. After all, this is the former goalkeeper of Maccabi Tel Aviv and the Israeli national team and currently has a regular program on the Sports Channel. Talmon, a respected actress, who, in addition to her acting career, also produces content for her 178,000 followers on her very active Instagram, where she reveals her and her son’s daily life, “He’s already more famous than me. He’s being stopped on the street today,” she laughs.

How is the division of roles going at your house?
Strauber: “I’m in charge of the garbage, the dishwasher and the laundry.”
Talmon: “And I’m on everything else.”

What are you fighting about?
Strauber: “That I don’t help her enough, that I’m not at home enough.”
Talmon: “Because he doesn’t help enough. Another reason is that we are both messed up, one of us more and without names, it’s Liran. Other fights are related to my insecurity, but in this case he always picks on me.”

Long fights?
Strauber: “No. Our secret is the good communication between us.”
Talmon: “We both learned from experience, we talk all the time.”

What else did you learn from the experience?
Strauber: “Every relationship is different and cannot be compared. At the end of the day, it is important to know how to accommodate the person in front of you and accept him, and this is learned from experience and past failures.”
Talmon: “I learned from the previous attempts mainly what I don’t want from the relationship. The first thing is that I no longer wanted to be someone’s number two or three who would take me for granted. I was looking for someone who would be my best friend, without filters, someone to build a future and a family with. Liran He is my fix.”

You have four sons together. How are the connections between them?
Talmon: “At least he chose good mothers for his children. They are stunning. We all have great family ties.”
Strauber: “My sons are the loves of my life, and they are in contact with Tal more than they are in contact with me and this is a true story.”

Nir Pour: “The baby was born exactly as it appeared to me in my dream, one to one”

more children?
Talmon: “Right now it doesn’t look like it. I had a very difficult birth. I will need fertilization.”

Mabrok for the second place in the “VIP winning kitchen” in request 12. Who cooks at home?
Talmon: “Liran cooks like a Moroccan mother and I like a Polish one, mainly cakes and cookies.”

There is a difference of 8 years between you. Is it noticeable on a daily basis?
Talmon: “Absolutely not, just on one issue: the jokes that Tal tells are old, really old.”

And doesn’t that make you laugh?
“No. It really saddens me.”

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