What substances are humans made of?

by time news

2023-08-30 09:23:05

The human body, a prodigy of nature, is a perfect amalgamation of chemical elements and biomolecules that allow life and its functioning. Our curiosity to know the essence of who we are has led us to explore the chemical composition of our organism.

1. Chemical Elements: The Building Blocks of the Human Body

The human body is primarily made up of a diverse mix of chemical elements that combine in complex ways to create tissues, cells, and organs. The most abundant elements in the human body are:

· Oxygen (O): It is the most abundant element in the human body, representing approximately 65% ​​of our mass. It is essential for cellular respiration and metabolism.

· Carbon (C): It forms the basis of all organic molecules. It constitutes approximately 18% of our mass and is the key element in the structures of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.

· Hydrogen (H): It represents approximately 10% of our mass and is essential in the composition of water and acid molecules.

· Nitrogen (N): It constitutes approximately 3% of our mass and is a crucial component of proteins and nucleic acids.

· Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) and Sodium (Na): These elements, along with other minerals, are essential for bone function, acid-base balance, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission.

2. Molecules Essential for Life

Beyond the basic chemical elements, the human body contains a wide variety of essential molecules that are essential for the maintenance and functioning of the organism.

· Water (H2O): It is the most abundant molecule in the human body, representing around 60% of our total mass. Water is essential for nutrient transport, temperature regulation, and various metabolic reactions.

· Proteins: They are essential components of tissues and cells, fulfilling key functions such as enzymes, cell structures, and substance transport.

· Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA): They contain genetic information and are responsible for the transmission of heredity and protein synthesis.

· Lipids: They are essential in the formation of cell membranes, energy storage and hormone regulation.

· Carbohydrates: They are an important source of energy for the organism and are involved in cell structure and cell recognition.

3. The Symphony of Life

The harmonious interaction of these essential chemical elements and molecules gives rise to the symphony of human life. Every cell, tissue, and organ work together to maintain homeostasis and enable vital functions such as respiration, digestion, movement, and sensory perception.

The exploration of the human composition reveals to us the amazing complexity and beauty of the human body. From the chemical elements that make up our foundations to the essential molecules that regulate our existence, our makeup connects us to the vastness of the universe. We are a wonderful combination of chemistry and biology, and understanding our chemical essence remains a fascinating and ever-evolving field of scientific inquiry. Knowledge of our makeup helps us appreciate the complexity of life and our connection to the environment around us.

#substances #humans

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