What things cause a stroke?

by time news

2023-04-26 18:22:37

It is estimated that around 137,000 people a year die from cerebrovascular accidents, also known as strokes, so it is important that you know what things can cause a stroke

These conditions usually appear suddenly and have a relatively short window of action to care for the patient without the risk of generating complications that could end in certain death.

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what is a stroke?

The Mayo Clinic defines a stroke as a stroke that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from receiving oxygen and nutrients to function properly.

Experts say that a stroke or stroke is a medical emergency that must be attended to as soon as possible to avoid possible death or irreversible sequelae in the person.

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How long do the symptoms of a stroke last?

The symptoms of a stroke can last from a few minutes to a maximum of 24 hours, the most important thing is to treat them immediately because the brain cannot survive long without blood flow.

Among the most common symptoms is one-sided facial paralysis, slurring or not being able to speak, not being able to lift the limbs, a sudden intense headache, among others.

What are the aftermath of a stroke?

Complications often occur after having suffered a stroke or stroke, such as:

  • Paralysis or loss of muscle movement: Some people lose movement on one side of the body or limb
  • Difficulty speaking or eating: After a stroke, some people lose the ability to move the muscles in their mouth well, making it difficult to eat or speak
  • Emotional problems such as anxiety or depression
  • Pain, numbness, or numbness in some areas of the body
  • Loss of self-care ability: Some stroke survivors often need help with personal hygiene or daily tasks

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What things can cause a stroke?

The causes in the body can be two: When an artery is blocked (it is known as ischemic stroke) or when there is a leak or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke).

Some people have even presented a temporary interruption of blood flow to the brain, but this condition does not usually have considerable sequelae in the person.

There are different risk factors that can increase the probability of having a stroke, below we mention only two but if you want to know more things that cause a strokeswipe the first photo of the note.

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  • Family history: According to the Mayo Clinic, if your family has had strokes, heart attacks, or transient ischemic attacks, you’re more likely to have a stroke.
  • Age: Strokes are more common in people older than 55 years
  • Sex: More strokes or strokes are usually recorded in men than in women

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  • Alcohol: According to specialists, consuming alcohol constantly or consuming it explosively even from time to time, considerably increases the risk of having a stroke or cerebrovascular accident.
  • Ethnicity or race: According to the Mayo Clinic, people of African descent or Hispanic descent have had strokes more often than other people.
  • High cholesterol: People with high cholesterol are more likely to have a stroke due to blocked blood flow in the arteries.

If you want to know more things that cause a stroke, we invite you to slide the first photo of the publication and see in the gallery what the other risk factors are. We remind you that in the event of any anomaly or sign of yours or a loved one, quick attention is crucial, so do not hesitate to seek medical attention immediately.

To complement the information, we share a video with you about some of the things you can do to prevent brain inflammation.


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