What to check in your camper after the holidays

by time news

The freedom of the camper leads those who enjoy them on vacation to move indistinctly through the mountains, the countryside or the beach, or what is the same, from the cool to the heat. But when returning to routine, first of all, it is essential to control the oil levels, popularly known as ‘the blood of the vehicle’, and thus avoid wear due to friction of various elements of the engine.

Next, check coolant It is essential, especially in summer, when very high temperatures are reached when absorbing the heat of the engine. Likewise, it is important to check the operation of the lights, an element that gives the driver the ability to see and be seen by other drivers, especially in low visibility conditions.

The tire pressure It is one of the several points of the camper to check. And it is that drivers subject these vehicles to great mechanical demands, with long distances, many kilometers and destinations that, on many occasions, must be reached not only by highway or general road, but also by unpaved sections. For this reason, not only is the pre-holiday review essential, but also to subject the vehicle to a check-up on the return from the holidays.

Secondly, check the braking system is also very relevant. Thus, if there are no strange sounds when applying pressure on the brake pedal and no strange behavior occurs, these are good indicators. At the same time, it is recommended to visually check (with a flashlight if necessary) pads and discs.

In addition, the greater use during the summer season requires a greater effort from the electrical part, as well as from the campervan batteries.

Finally, checking the windshield washer fluid is not a minor point. On roads or when crossing paths, the front window collects insects, dust and dirt, factors that reduce the driver’s visibility. Therefore, a good condition of this component is key to proper road safety.

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