What were the baths like in ancient times?

by time news

2023-05-30 02:23:01

Something that many of us surely wonder is What were the baths like in ancient times? and how they managed to evolve and the reality is that this will surely surprise you.

If you are one of the people who loves history and also wants to learn how to prevent infections in it lavatory You will like to know the following information.

Who made the first bath?

You should know that the first bathroom with discharge of water was elaborated in the year 1596 by Sir John Harrington, for his godmother the Queen Elizabeth I.

Even though this bathroom had a water tank and a discharge valve, 250 years had to pass for this evolution, since in the Europa Medieval this was almost impossible.

These bathrooms were modern compared to the toilets that were used years ago and if you are still wondering what the oldest bathrooms were like, here we share it with you.

Photo: iStock

What was used before the toilet?

It is known that the bathrooms in the time Medieval they were just holes in the ground, better known as latrines u urinalsso we would surely find a great variety of infections.

The National Library of Medicine shares that urinary tract infections in women tend to be common due to bacteria They enter the urethra and travel through the bladder.

To prevent infections we recommend you avoid sitting on the lavatorymove your toothbrush away from the toilet, wash the bathroom irregularly and clean yourself regularly.

Photo: iStock

What were the castle bathrooms like?

If you were a person with a good economic position, you would surely have the luxury of using a wardrobe, which was a room that was built against a wall. While the toilet was connected to a vertical axis that would reach the ground.

What will surprise you the most is that at that time the wardrobe They were used to hang clothes on the retired for the purpose of killing fleas using urine as ammonia.

It should be mentioned that as toilets They were holes that were in the towers of the castles, there were knights who sought to enter through there and it has been revealed that influential characters were stabbed when they defecated there.

Photo: iStock

How many times did the Romans bathe?

According to the investigations of various experts, it is ensured that the Romans did not bathed very frequent, but every day they rinsed their faces, arms and legs.

Although uncovered parts of the body were rinsed, they did bathed completely every nine days, either at home, in hot springs or in rivers.

As we can see, there was a great variety of infections due to lack of care hygienethat is why we still have to be extremely careful with our health.

Now that you know what the bathrooms were like in the antiquity You may be surprised, because the hygiene It continues to be a problem in some cases, so we share some suggestions in the following video:

#baths #ancient #times

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