WhatsApp Introduces Message Pinning Feature for Chats

by time news

2023-12-14 11:53:04
WhatsApp Introduces New Feature Allowing Users to Pin Messages in Chats

WhatsApp has announced a new feature that will make it easier for users to keep important messages at the top of their chats. The popular messaging app will now allow users to pin messages, ensuring that the selected message remains visible at the top of the chat.

To pin a message, users can simply select a specific message, click on it, and choose the “Pin” option from the menu that appears. Once pinned, the message will stay at the top of the chat for the chosen duration, which can be 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. However, WhatsApp has clarified that only one message can be pinned at a time.

In addition, WhatsApp has emphasized that the new feature is not limited to any specific type of message. Users can pin any type of message, whether it’s text, a survey, an emoji, or an image. Group managers will also have the option to control who can pin messages within the group, whether it’s open to all members or restricted to group managers only.

It’s important to note that the pinning feature is available for both private and group chats, making it easier for users to keep track of important information and conversations.

For more information on how to use the new pinning feature, users can visit WhatsApp’s official website or refer to the app’s help section.

Overall, the introduction of the new pinning feature is expected to enhance the user experience on WhatsApp, allowing individuals and groups to stay organized and easily access important messages within their chats.
#WhatsApp #launching #update #forget #messages

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