When is it paid and how is it calculated?

by time news

The deadline for employers to pay the Easter gift for 2024. How it is calculated.

The time is counting down to the Easter Giveaway for 2024with employees already waiting to see the money in his account.

The Easter Gift is paid on Holy Wednesday every year, therefore this year it will be paid on May 1st (the May Day celebration has been moved). The Easter Gift is subject to contributions in favor of EFKA, payroll tax. It is of course noted that the employer can pay the gift earlier than the above date.

The Easter Gift may under no circumstances be paid in kind, but only in money.

Easter gift: Which employees are entitled to it?

According to the current legislation, all employees who are employed in the private sector in a dependent labor relationship of indefinite or fixed duration, full or part-time, for any employer, are entitled to an Easter gift.

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How is the Easter Gift calculated?

For the calculation of the amount of the Gifts it is taken into account the way employees are paid, i.e. if they are paid a daily wage or a salary. The time period for which the Easter Gift is calculated starts from January 1st until April 30th of each year. Thus, employees whose employment relationship with the employer lasted without interruption throughout the aforementioned period, i.e. from January 1st to April 30th of each year, are entitled to the entire Gift which is equal to half (1/2) of a monthly salary for wage earners and 15 day wages for day wage earners.

However, in the event that the employment relationship of an employee with his employer did not last the entire aforementioned period, he is entitled to receive a proportion of the gift, which is calculated as follows: in the case of a salaried employee, an amount equal to 1/15 of half the monthly salary or one day’s salary, while for those paid by a day’s salary for every eight calendar days of the duration of the employment relationship. If the employment relationship lasts less than eight days, he is entitled to a corresponding fraction for the Easter Gift.

Except in the case that the work was provided without interruption throughout the period from January 1 to April 30, this period also includes all the days that the employees are legally absent from their work (e.g. with annual leave, with maternity leave, with study leave).

In particular, with regard to the absence of employees due to illness, the “three days of sickness” are included in the calculation period of the Easter Gift, i.e. the time of absence during which no sickness benefit is paid, while the periods for which sickness benefit is paid by the insurance company are subtracted.

Example: If an employee was absent from work due to illness for 60 days and received sickness benefit from his insurance fund for 40 days, only the 40 days for which he was subsidized and not the 60 will be deducted from the period of employment.

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