Where does the “immunological deficit” that sends vaccinated people to the hospital come from?

by time news

“This does not mean that vaccination played no role in these people,” they conclude, because no one died. And to add: “However, in the unvaccinated population, 20% of people who die have anti-interferon type 1 auto-antibodies.” Should we therefore conclude that there is a causality, or exempt vaccination from all suspicion? ?

“facilitating antibodies”

Very early on, the late Professor Montagnier had recommended that vaccinated people be tested for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus, screening for which has been done without an appointment or prescription since January 1, 2022), suspecting the injections of degrading the system. immune system of patients. Since then, many scientists have focused on the adjacent question of “facilitating antibodies” and the associated ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) phenomenon, induced in some cases by vaccination.

Read also: Is the phenomenon of facilitating antibodies responsible for the cases and deaths observed in countries with high vaccination rates?

This phenomenon, doctor in biochemistry Jean-François Lesgard explains it as follows: “The immune system is complex and its balance fragile. If this balance is disturbed, then this system can turn against the individual and destroy him little by little. In addition, pathogens seek to circumvent it in order to survive and multiply. Thus, ‘beneficial’ immune elements can become weapons against the individual and serve the interests of micro-organisms. This is exactly what happens with antibodies…” In one of his articles, he adds that “ADE seems to occur more frequently following vaccine immunization than following infection”, thus warning against mass vaccination campaigns. And to conclude: “With multiple boosters, the benefit/risk ratio can become unfavorable for vaccines, in particular by inducing ADE processes, especially if the variants move away from the original viral strain of SARS-CoV-2 used to formulate vaccines. […] Rather than vaccine protection, we end up with a facilitated cellular infection. »

These theses are shared by many other scientists, including CNRS research director Jean-Marc Sabatier and biologist Christian Vélot. In addition, it should be noted that the reports of side effects of vaccination are becoming more and more numerous and that the vaccinated continue to be contaminated… This Monday, June 13, it was Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who again announced that he had tested positive for Covid, for the second time since his third dose of the vaccine.

Finally, it is possible that Doctor Gérard Guillaume was right to announce that “History will prove Professor Montagnier right. »

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