Which is the best option?

by time news

2023-05-25 19:00:00

Who has not experienced that uncomfortable situation in which you go out into the street and, to your surprise, it has suddenly started to rain heavily? Without an umbrella and with a long journey ahead on foot, you wonder if it would be better to walk or run to your destination. whatWhat will wet you less?

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The first impulse, in most cases, will be to run but,it is really the best option? Running you find yourself less time in the rain, but you constantly collide with the drops that come from the front, increasing the wet area. On the other hand, walking, you only get wet on the top of your head and the upper areas but, of course, you spend more time in the rain. What should you do then?

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Well, the amount of rain that hits you in a given period of time it’s constant. That is, the water that falls on you in 1 minute in the rain will be the same, whether you run or walk. Let’s think of it as if the rain were a wall of water: it doesn’t matter if you jog or walk, to get from one point to another you will have to cross the wall, yes or yes. Another visual example can be a snowplow because, no matter how fast it goes, the amount of snow it dissipates from its path is always the same.


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