White House Reaffirms US Position on Unconditional Right of Countries to Join NATO | News | News

by time news

The United States is confident that any country has the right to join NATO at will. This was announced by a high-ranking representative of the US administration on Thursday, December 30.

According to him, Russia’s opinion on the potential further expansion of the alliance does not affect the position of the United States.

“On the NATO issue you raised, our position is absolutely clear. These decisions are to be made by sovereign countries. Of course, in consultation with the alliance. And not to others, ”the content of a special telephone briefing for journalists following the conversation between the leaders of the Russian Federation and the United States was broadcast in the White House.

When asked if Washington is going to provide Moscow with any security guarantees, the official declined to answer. The host of the briefing explained that negotiations on such topics are being conducted outside the public space.

On December 31, State Duma deputy from the United Russia party, Adalbi Shkhagoshev, said that the conversation between the presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, made it clear that “everything is going by agreement.” He stressed that the main priority in the upcoming talks between Russia and the United States is concrete results.

During the conversation, the American leader said that the United States is interested in a dialogue with the Russian Federation on strategic stability, in the work of the Russia-NATO Council and contacts through the OSCE. He added that Russia and the United States are responsible for ensuring stability in Europe and the world as a whole, and that Washington has no intentions to deploy offensive strike weapons on Ukrainian territory.

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