Who is the fourth “son” to whom Bill Gates will leave everything? – Celebrities

by time news

Bill Gates is an iconic figure in the world of technology and philanthropy. Co-founded Microsoftone of the largest software companies in the world, becoming one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. In addition to his legacy in technology, Gates is also recognized for his humanitarian work through Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on areas such as health, education and global development. The foundation was created in partnership with his ex-wife, Melinda Gates, to whom he was married for more than 27 years.

With an estimated fortune of $124.4 billion, Gates declared that their three children, Jennifer, Rory John and Phoebe, will inherit just $10 million each, representing a small fraction of 0.02% of its wealth. In interviews, he expressed his conviction that Providing a modest inheritance is essential to allowing your children to follow their own paths and seek your own achievements, without the distortion that enormous wealth could create.

The philanthropist emphasized his belief that a solid education and meaningful opportunities are more valuable than a substantial inheritance. Furthermore, Gates has repeatedly highlighted that his true passion is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which he describes as his “fourth child”. With a commitment to invest $9 billion per year through 2026 in areas such as innovation, preventing future pandemics, reducing infant mortality, food security and climate adaptation, the foundation reflects Gates’ core values ​​and goals. It further argues that the ultimate purpose of money is to build organizations and provide resources to those most in need, not to accumulate endless wealth. This philanthropic approach reflects Gates’ vision of a world where everyone can enjoy a healthy and productive life, regardless of their economic status.

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