Why Berlin can only laugh at the Ève Gilles scandal

by time news

2023-12-21 19:28:14

In Germany the world is still in order. At least when it comes to the officially most beautiful woman in the country. Her name is Kira Geiss, she is 21 years old, lives in Magdeburg and was elected “Miss Germany 2023” in March. And – apparently very important – she has long hair! In France you might now look at the neighboring country and its beautiful Kira with envy.

It was there that Ève Gilles was elected “Miss France”. She is 20 years young and has already completed her mathematics studies at the University of Lille. She wants to become a statistician and is, of course, beautiful. But none of that seems to matter at all – because Ève Gilles has short hair. An exciter? She wears a “pixie cut” that Audrey Hepburn and Uschi Glas have previously had cut. At that time, it was still considered “cheeky” or “charming” – but today, at least in France, short hair is causing a bigger debate.

After Gilles was chosen as the most beautiful woman in the country, the comments increased: the winner just wanted to make a statement with her short brown haircut, it was said in social and also in some traditional media; At the same time, she is accused of “wokeness” because of her hair length, that she stands for excessive feminism and the word “gender gaga” is also used.

In fact, Ève Gilles emphasized several times during the selection process how “different” she was and how beautiful it was that every woman is somehow “different from the others”. “We are all unique,” ​​said the short-haired woman, and she wanted to fight for strong women and against body shaming. This is only partially appropriate for a beauty contest, but in itself it is commendable.

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Well received in her adopted home of Berlin: Emilia SchüleImago

Berlin’s streets are full of “pixie cuts”, “blunt bobs” and “wolf cuts”

Many French people see it differently: They don’t want such an enlightened attitude to become established in pageants. There’s so much fuss about Gilles’ dashing hairstyle that even two female politicians get involved: MPs Fabien Roussel and Sandrine Rousseau, who both have short hair, tweet on I can still hardly accept it if a woman defines her own beauty.

One can only speculate about how this is viewed in our city: strangely enough, it is impossible to find out whether an election for “Miss Berlin” will still take place. And the last “Miss Germany” from Berlin – Domitila Barros, who preceded the current winner in 2022 – wears long curly hair. But we can make a prediction: There would be far less anger in Berlin over a short-haired beauty queen!

Monument to the short-haired Berliner: Christian Schad’s “Sonja” Friends of the Neue Nationalgalerie

“Attention, short hair is coming,” our fashion correspondent had just reported in April about new hairstyle trends; It should be one of the most successful online texts in the style section of the whole year. Even if you walk through the streets of Berlin, you will see countless “pixie cuts”, “blunt bobs” and “wolf cuts” – even clean-shaven women’s heads hardly cause a stir in our city. And there are plenty of prominent role models too.

The actress Emilia Schüle shaved her hair in 2019, which was well received in her adopted home of Berlin, and today she has a grown-out fringe. Heike Makatsch was also seen with razor-short hair, as were her colleagues Jasmin Gerat and Liv Lisa Fries. And with “Sonja” the painter Christian Schad created an artistic monument to the short-haired Berliner.

So are the Berliners ahead of the Parisians and the Germans ahead of the French when it comes to dealing with women’s short hair? Ultimately, only a beauty contest and a short-haired winner could reveal that. But there are apparently no more pageants in our capital. And that in itself is a statement.

#Berlin #laugh #Ève #Gilles #scandal

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