Why is the Prescription Law Stupid? Because it is a stupid law. Hayk Manasyan – 2024-04-03 05:22:17

by times news cr

2024-04-03 05:22:17

Dr. Hayk Manasyan referred to the order of sale of drugs and mentioned the dangers.

“Many drugs, including antibiotics, must by law be sold with a doctor’s prescription (stupid law, written by idiots, written for idiots).

1. Why is the law for fools? Because only a fool would start using antibiotics without consulting a doctor. Antibiotics have occasional side effects, many of them are useless in our age, because bacteria have become stubborn, and only a narrow specialist knows which antibiotic is effective in his field in a given period of time (a year later, the same antibiotic for the same disease can is to be in vain). Not counting that antibiotics are often prescribed against viruses, which is absolutely useless.

2. Why is the law written by fools? Because right and left, appropriate and inappropriate antibiotics are prescribed by doctors themselves, with countless illiterate prescriptions. Patients and pharmacies just repeat that headless nonsense. Therefore, instead of increasing the literacy of doctors and the discipline of prescribing antibiotics, a group of idiots starts from the opposite end.

3. Why is the prescription law stupid? Because it is a stupid law. Experience has shown that the freer the sale of drugs, the less drug poisonings and overdoses occur. The point is that communities with freedom are more literate and trained to work with drugs, and communities dependent on the letter of doctors’ prescriptions, do not engage in self-education, and follow instructions thoughtlessly and without understanding, not seeing their responsibility in managing the situation. Therefore, the more you ban, the more you get a stupid crowd of henchmen, the more you give freedom and educate, instill a sense of responsibility, the healthier your community is ideologically, mentally and of course physically,” Manasyan wrote on his social media page.

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