Why we shouldn’t expect another pandemic: monkeypox versus coronavirus

by time news

Despite great alertness and contact follow-up, we were unable to monitor the coronavirus with difficulty. After all, the virus is fairly “invisible”: not everyone who carries the virus shows symptoms, but everyone who has it can transmit it. In addition, you often cannot distinguish symptoms of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), especially with the latter variants, from the flu or a cold, and only a test provides the answer.

The situation is different with monkey pox: everyone who is infected will have symptoms. The first symptoms are fever, headache, muscle aches, chills and exhaustion. There may also be a rash on the skin in the form of recognizable blisters.

These blisters are reminiscent of chickenpox, but that is where the name confusion quickly arises: chickenpox is actually a herpes virus, not a smallpox virus. You do see blisters on the skin with both viruses. If you suddenly develop a kind of skin rash, it is best to consult a doctor quickly who can determine whether you have monkey pox or not. Virologist Marc Van Ranst makes a start on Twitter:

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