Will Smith helped discover the world’s largest snake

by time news

2024-02-21 20:10:00

Will Smith helped discover the largest snake in the world. During the filming of the series Pole to Pole with Will Smithwhich will premiere exclusively on Disney+, researchers found a species of anaconda never seen before. The gigantic reptile lives in the Bameno region, located in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

According to a report from IFL Sciencea group of explorers led by Professor Bryan Fry, from the University of Queensland, discovered a variant of the green anaconda. Fry, who is he? responsible for the scientific team that accompanies Will Smithreceived an invitation from the Huaorani people to explore the region and sample a population of anacondas.

After carrying out a canoe expedition through the river system, the researcher and his team They found a 6.3 meter long female anaconda. The size of the green anacondas from Ecuador is larger than those from Brazil, although they are similar in appearance and behavior. The surprising thing here is that the gigantic reptile genetically differs by 5.5% from the species Eunects of the mouseas the southern anaconda is known.

Northern green anaconda. Photo: Bryan Fry.

In Fry’s words, this It is one of the most significant discoveries in the study of these reptiles. “To put it in perspective, humans differ [genéticamente] of chimpanzees by only 2%,” the professor mentioned. The new species is known as Eunectes akaimaor northern green anaconda, and are estimated to have diverged from the Eunects of the mouse about 10 million years ago.

Will Smith, from the controversial slap to capturing anacondas in Ecuador

The ten-day expedition in the Bameno region is one of the most extensive anaconda surveys to date. Huaorani hunters consider these snakes sacred and treat them with respect.

According to the report, There are reports of anacondas measuring 7.5 meters long. and more than 500 kilograms. Fry told the anecdote of a man bitten by a gigantic reptile, which left scars that show that the snake was larger than those they saw during the expedition. Apparently this did not bother Will Smith, who had no problems diving to capture anacondas.

Northern green anaconda. Photo: Bryan Fry.

Another inconvenience he had to adapt to is that snakes often defecate on you while you catch them. The teacher points out that a giant anaconda can shed up to a liter and a half of poop at the moment when it is manipulated to carry out studies. Fry stated that he was surprised by the disposition of the actor and the filming crew of Pole to Pole with Will Smith.

The National Geographic series will send the actor on an adventure from the North Pole to the South Pole. Extreme adventures are not new for Will Smith, who previously participated in documentaries Welcome to Earth y One Strange Rock.

The actor returned to his adventures after the controversial slap to Chris Rock during the Oscars. Although Will Smith won the best actor award, The Academy banned him from any event for 10 years. However, the cancellation was short-lived, as the protagonist of Men in Black is busy with the sequel I’m legend and other projects.

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