Will the Russia-Ukraine war change the balance of power? Maj. Gen. Surgeon

by time news

Former Northern Corps commander Maj. Gen. (Res.) Gershon HaCohen spoke today (Tuesday) with Erel Segal and Yariv Oppenheimer on 103FM and analyzed the state of the fighting between Russia and Ukraine. The councils have reached the final stages. We need to weave a new order and if they do not do that, they will be responsible for the deterioration. “” Putin in a trap. “He can not retreat without any achievement, it does not mean to surrender to him, it means to understand that we are at a crossroads,” he added.

At the beginning of the conversation, Maj. Gen. Res. Referred to the flood of information coming out of the fighting zone: “There is a lot of fog, most of what we are told is misleading from all directions. “I ask – what do they know about the Russian plan? The Russians know more than others that war is out of control, that it is impossible to define a clear line from beginning to end. They are not planning a war like in the West, but through a sequence of systems.

“When the NATO alliance went to war in Libya, they did so on the basis of international law. It’s like the difference between alcohol and marijuana, alcohol is no less dangerous only to those who drink alcohol have the ability to make it legal. The Americans, with the Europeans, deceived Putin so that the fight against Libya would be legal and they just destroyed a country. “I look with skepticism and criticism at the story of the West and it is a very long discussion,” Hacohen continued.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Reuters)
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According to him, Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet decided how to act in the campaign in Kiev: “He has a difficult dilemma, he can not do there what he did in other completely destroyed areas. Kyiv for the Russians is the birthplace of the Russian Church. It was a city when Moscow was a village of number Peasants who do not know how to read and write. He learned from Syria, he will not be able to destroy it because there is no one to rehabilitate. He also does not want to do civilian killing, but he has great power that he must curb. On the other hand, He came out of the picture. “

According to him, Russia’s goal is to become a power in a space that was once the ‘Warsaw Pact’. On the claim that Putin may be misleading the West, only to seize the coastal strip, Maj. Gen. Res. Facing Odessa, basically denying Ukraine’s grip towards the sea, he is working in an envelope. He has taken the regions of Belarus. The city of Kyiv is going to encircle it and what will happen next? It depends on development, very difficult to know. “It is known that he will do almost everything he can to win, it can be at almost any cost and it can be dangerous.”

He went on to say that in the 21 wars, economic sanctions do play a role: “The SWIFT system is part of the leverage of a new war. Putin understands that, he is not stupid.”

At this point, the broadcasters noted that Putin is just one enemy of the US, with China also watching and tracking from a distance, and they also hold a $ 300 million debt against the Americans: “The Americans have asked the Saudis to increase oil production because they have now blocked Russian oil. The Saudis do not respond to them because there is a new world order. Hamas also understands this. What does this mean for Israel? That its large backrest is swaying. The message is that the Saudis are not in the American pocket.

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Ofri Glichman, 103fm

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