Win11 will usher in an important update: Microsoft Store can restore apps with one click | XFastest News

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As reported by Windows Latest, users may want to restore deleted apps when they perform a clean install of Windows or move to a new device. At the same time, users also want to restore accidentally deleted apps.

Currently, if users want to access deleted apps or missing apps on a new device, they can use the Microsoft Store’s “library,” which keeps track of downloaded apps or games.

While the “Library” section of the Microsoft Store can browse previous downloads, it’s simply not possible to restore apps with one click. If users often find themselves having trouble trying to install apps that were previously available on older devices, Microsoft is bringing some changes.

Microsoft is working on a feature called “Recover Apps” that will restore deleted apps with a single click, which is much simpler than restoring apps by visiting the Microsoft Store’s “Library.”

Windows 11 restores app functionality

Microsoft is testing two new options – restore all and select apps. While “Recover All” automatically restores all lost apps, “Choose Apps” lets users find a list of all apps linked to their Microsoft account on previous devices and quickly install selected apps.

“Customers will automatically restore previously installed apps from the Microsoft Store to new Windows devices. This will also help developers retain their customers without having to remind customers to re-download their apps,” Microsoft said in a statement pointed out.

Other improvements to the Microsoft Store

During the Build 2022 conference, Microsoft reiterated that the PC market saw its biggest growth in a decade. So Microsoft is again focusing on Windows and is actively testing new features for the decades-old desktop operating system.

Windows Search is getting a new feature that will alert users when they search for an app on the app and the app is listed in the Microsoft Store.

For example, if a user doesn’t have Spotify installed and has entered its name in the search box, a new section will encourage users to look at the Microsoft Store results and easily install Spotify or other apps from there.

Microsoft will also support automatic submission of Win32 applications to the App Store. This will allow developers to use the new GitHub Action or Rest API to automatically submit apps and bring their apps to the Microsoft Store without having to go through a waitlist.

Microsoft also plans to bring its Microsoft Store-based Amazon Android App Store to more markets in 2022, meaning more users will be able to download and run Android apps on Windows 11.


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