Windshield wiper syndrome, the runner’s enemy

by time news

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Every week, Dr. Jean-Marc Sène, sports doctor, presents his sports column in Priorité Santé. This week, he tackles a runner’s condition: windshield wiper syndrome.

What is windshield wiper syndrome?

It is a painful syndrome which is localized on the external face of the knee and which often concerns young subjects, sportsmen, practicing running, cycling or football. We think that 26% of runners have suffered from it at least once.

The offending tendon (fascia lata) extends from the top of the femur to the top of the tibiawhere it fits. It is a flat tendon in the shape of a strip. When walking (and obviously running), it moves back and forth like a windshield wiper. Hence the name of the pathology associated with it: windshield wiper syndrome. The range of motion where the friction is greatest is between 20 and 30° of knee flexion.

This syndrome is related to the repetition of flexion-extension movements of the knee during prolonged running effort. Too much mileageor a progression that is too rapid and too intensein training.

The second factor is often a shoe that is not adapted to the foot of the runner.

The third factor is usually the terrain on which one exercises: racing on cambered roads, uphill and downhill.

How do we recognize this syndrome?

It is a pain of gradual onset, from a certain mileage (therefore not necessarily cold) of the external compartment of the knee. This pain feels like a burn and manifests itself as a painful arc during the stride.

In the long run, the athlete can no longer continue his effort but the pain fades after a few hours of rest.

If it is not taken into account and treated, the windshield wiper syndrome appears more and more precociously during the effort and ends up imposing the total cessation of the practice of running.

How to treat it?

It is a common but also tenacious affection. It is therefore imperative to treat it in depth using the following techniques:

  • Sports rest + Local icing
  • Physiotherapy (massages and ultrasounds or analgesic current carried out by a physiotherapist), stretching of the fascia lata and strengthening of the stabilizing muscles of the pelvis
  • Mesotherapy and infiltration
  • Change shoes and perhaps a foot orthotic prescription (soles which will essentially include a pronator band to relieve the external face of the knee).

How to avoid recidivism when resuming sport?

Whatever the treatment, the resumption of running must always be gradual after a windshield wiper syndrome.

Adapt load: If the pain appears almost always at the same time, anticipate. Stop a few kilometers before you get hurt.

Vary the workout: It is rare for pain to occur in sports where weight bearing changes are frequent. When playing football or tennis you are unlikely to feel pain.

Ice the knee after exercise: In order to limit the inflammation of the tendon, ice regularly without exceeding 20 minutes of application.

Prevention of a recurrence based on the regular practice of stretching the tendon. By stretching the Fascia Lata tendon you can decrease the stress on your tendon.

In many cases, the windshield wiper syndrome disappears as it happened, ie for no apparent reason. However, by following these few tips, you will put the odds on your side to find your best level fairly quickly!

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