Without mask and Green pass: a bar closed, two customers fined – time.news

by time news

time.news. The fight against the fourth wave also involves police checks, which on Saturday involved 452 people and 74 activities in the province. And the sanctions, which in the time.news area are kept on very low numbers, are a very clear signal to those who prefer not to respect the provisions and ignore the appeals to common sense. On Saturday, the prefecture said, there were three fines for those found without a Green Pass.
The last emblematic case is that of the manager of a bar that the policemen of the administrative team of the police station caught on Friday in his room without a mask. An inattention, if this is the case, which cost him very dearly because the man was subjected to the sanction of closure for five days. The intensification of the controls organized by the commissioner Luigi Liguori it also covered the nightlife venues and the customers who frequent them. Two people turned out not to be in order during the police investigations: one did not have the green certification, or rather it had expired, and the other refused to exhibit it. For both, the 400 euro fine was applied.
National provisions and ordinances (such as those signed by the mayor of time.news and other mayors in the area to enforce the use of masks) do not always produce the desired effect, apparently. Yet common sense is also essential for the Christmas and New Year celebrations, as the mayor points out Carlo Masci. “If we follow the instructions given to us, we could spend Christmas peacefully” even if it is undeniable that we “live in an atmosphere of expectation and also of hope” so that nothing serious happens, nothing that triggers new restrictions. “Vaccines are guaranteeing protection that was not there last year but we must not let our guard down”, continues the mayor, thinking about Christmas and New Year’s Eve (in the red zone) last year. “In time.news the vaccines continue: they are 600 a day (without a minute of waiting) and on Thursday we will also have the vaccination center for children for which the parents who will accompany them will be able to get vaccinated, in turn, with the third dose ( the two offices are close to each other, at the former Porta Nuova station) ». The fact that the vaccination campaign is proceeding is a good sign but “we must ensure that we are not in the conditions of other countries” where the health emergency has reappeared in an impetuous manner. “Here we are organizing the Christmas appointments that we count and hope to carry out outside and with the mask but we must defer to the will of the national authorities”, adds Masci who cannot rule out any government stop. “I tend to be always positive and I expect a period in which we can go out and experience a festive atmosphere”. The urge to put behind us «two bad, difficult years» is clear, we feel, but it is equally evident that «we start again in different conditions, being more careful». Diversity is also “in the most widespread poverty and institutions must create protection lines,” says Masci, thinking, for example, of the aid that the Municipality is about to provide with food vouchers.
For the Christmas period, the Municipality will combine “celebrations and solidarity” and it already happened yesterday in Piazza Salotto. And on December 31, the party, barring unforeseen circumstances, will be held in the resulting area, «outdoors, where the virus is less aggressive, with masks. And in any case, risky personal behaviors must be avoided », Masci says to those who decide to spend New Year’s Eve in the square. “By now we all know how we have to move”, he concludes, addressing the people of time.news who are required, until the end of the year, to wear a mask in the most crowded areas (center and historic center). “The sanctions were few, for the most reticent. But the recommendations “, he points out,” were several, to those who were stopped around without a mask “.

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