Women with Turner syndrome want a multidisciplinary strategy – Well being and Wellbeing

by times news cr

2024-05-23 15:33:45

(ANSA) – PADUA, MAY 23 – To fight Turner syndrome, a multidisciplinary strategy is important from a healthcare perspective that permits for the harmonious progress of the individual and safety from related issues.
That is what emerges from analysis by a crew from the College of Padua which signifies the prognosis and remedy tips for this syndrome which issues the absence of an x ​​chromosome in ladies which characterizes, in adolescents, a large spectrum of manifestations comparable to brief stature, ovarian, cardiovascular, renal malformations and thyroid involvement. The multidisciplinary course to deal with the syndrome emerges from the research “Transition from pediatrics to grownup well being care in women with Turner’s syndrome” printed by a Paduan analysis crew within the journal “Skilled Overview of Endocrinology & Metabolism”.
Adolescence is a posh and important time for each woman, not solely these with Turner Syndrome however much more so for many who undergo from it. Subsequently the transition to maturity which is characterised by adjustments within the social, emotional and academic setting, have to be accompanied by following the varied well being issues that progressively emerge. All medical doctors concerned within the multidisciplinary crew should subsequently think about that the transition is greater than a easy hormone remedy with estrogen and progesterone and thoroughly think about the standard of life and psychological implications of ladies affected by Turner syndrome, primarily these regarding progress and issues cardiovascular, are managed by the pediatrician.
Because the affected person grows, some challenges develop into priorities, particularly for the grownup endocrinologist: the induction of puberty and the safety of fertility, cardiovascular prevention, and skeletal well being. (HANDLE).

2024-05-23 15:33:45

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