Work: “If the government wants a few scoops, it’s without us! “says Laurent Berger

by time news

2023-05-22 12:11:59

Faced with inflation that continues to erode the purchasing power of the 5.7 million public servants, the government and the civil servants’ unions are starting a cycle of discussions on Monday around salary increase measures. Civil Service Minister Stanislas Guerini is due to receive the eight civil service representative organizations by the end of the week. The CGT will open the ball, followed by Force Ouvrière on Tuesday, CFDT, Unsa and FSU on Tuesday afternoon.

One in five civil servants is paid at the minimum wage, or 1,383 euros net since the last increase in the minimum wage on May 1. “The minimum wage is a hiring salary for unqualified people. We should touch it for a year or two, some touch it for ten years ”, accuses this Monday morning Laurent Berger on RMC and BFMTV. “In the territorial public service, he highlighted, it takes twelve years before receiving a higher salary”.

This stagnation of wages at the bottom of the scale, these “salary policies which are not dynamic”, it is, for the secretary general of the CFDT, a major problem which explains the tensions of recruitment in certain sectors. This is why, he again defended, it is necessary “to condition public aid” on the establishment in all professional branches of a real “salary grid”. “Having the minimum wage for ten years, how do you want to restore taste and value to work? “, he pretended to question.

The work, precisely, will be on the menu of the discussions of Elisabeth Borne with the employers’ organizations as of this Monday. But “there was something unthought, and work is caught between two sterile visions, judge Laurent Berger: the first is to see a uniquely productive force, the second that work would only be alienation, only negative. These two visions do not talk about real work” and do not talk about what workers “who want to be listened to and recognized” go through. As “we did not talk about pensions, we did not talk about work”, he accuses. “The government must understand that if it wants a few scoops, it’s without us! And to add, a little later, that “we have to talk about work as recognition, not as a cost”.

“There will be no tour page” on pensions

The leader of the CFDT, who will give up his mandate on June 21, returned to the “contempt” which presided over the adoption of the pension reform. “There will be no tour page”, he promises, counting on the LIOT group’s bill which must be examined, except for a dam, on June 6 before the Assembly. “I hope that symbolically we will have a minima a vote in Parliament on the postponement from 62 to 64. The bill also provides for a financing conference “to see the alternative sources of financing to the extension of working hours, “this is what should have been done before the vote”.

And to press: “On this reform, there have been many vices, it would be an additional vice to prevent Parliament from debating”.

#Work #government #scoops #Laurent #Berger

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