Work resumed on the cycle path on the Lungotevere in Rome

by time news – After two months of hiatus, last night the construction sites for the maintenance of the cycle path have restarted on the quay that runs along the Tiber in the stretch of the historic center. The work was at the center of a wide debate, for the color and the invoice of the restyling, with some associations for the protection of monumental assets that spoke of ‘pouring concrete’ a few steps from the river.

Now the workers are making the continuous strip on the sides and the dotted one in the center of the track, both white in color. “Last night work began to complete the maintenance of the cycle path on the Lungotevere, after the interlocutors requested by the Superintendency. A beautiful track, completely redeveloped, where bicycles and pedestrians can finally move in complete safety”, writes the Capitoline councilor on Facebook to Public Works Linda Meleo.

“This demonstrates how useless the controversy has been – he continues – which has even bothered leading politicians at national level and alleged experts. I spoke this morning with the citizens I met on the track. They are all very happy to be able to use this renewed path. in this beautiful part of our city after more than ten years of maintenance absence. For us this is what counts “.


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