working time, pricing… What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s announcements

by time news

Emmanuel Macron unveiled his plan for the health system on Friday January 6. The Head of State made his announcements from the South Ile-de-France Hospital Center, in the Paris suburbs, after visiting the pediatric emergency room.

“I know the personal and collective exhaustion, this sometimes feeling of loss of meaning that has set in, the feeling of going from one crisis to another”, he said, calling for “go much faster, much stronger and make radical decisions”.

► Hiring medical assistants to “free up medical time”

Emmanuel Macron wants to speed up the recruitment of medical assistants for doctors. The objective is to reach 10,000 by the end of 2024 against 4,000 today. “It’s a real success” the My Health 2022 plan presented at the start of the previous five-year period, “it frees up medical time” for caregivers to follow their patients, said the head of state.

The president also wants to focus on the hiring of administrative and technical staff to allow caregivers to focus on their job.

► Reorganization of work in the hospital

By June 1, the president wants “rethink” organization of the hospital and “reset” the current system to “to rebuild an objectively more coherent system” with everyday reality.

“We must do everything to keep caregivers” in the hospital, underlined the Head of State. “Which means that we must work together on a better organization of working time”, he added, lamenting a « hyperrigidité » in the application of 35 hours and a system that “only works with overtime”.

► A doctor/administrative duo at the head of hospitals

Emmanuel Macron announced that a tandem “administrative and medical”formed on the basis of a ” project “was going to be established at the head of the hospitals. “For a very long time, we said “it shouldn’t be the caregivers who run the hospital, it should be the administrators”. After we said the problem, it is the administrators who lead ”he observed. “I wish we could (…) put at the head of our hospitals an administrative and medical tandem, a real tandem on the basis of a project”he insisted.

► New pricing

The president wants “eliminate activity-based pricing as of the next Social Security financing bill”. Emmanuel Macron wants to go “towards new funding that must be rebuilt on the basis of in-depth work and consultation, which is based on remuneration based on public health objectives”. “Public health objectives that we negotiate at the scale of a territory”, he continues.

► A housing stock dedicated to caregivers

In the sectors in tension, Emmanuel Macron wants a “housing stock” dedicated for “staff who need it” as well as travel assistance.

► Remuneration for night work

To deal with the emergency crisis, Emmanuel Macron has promised to open the construction site of the remuneration of night work and hotlines.

► A “new pact with liberal medicine”

The Head of State wants “better pay” the doctors who “provide continuity of care” et “caring for new patients”. He emphasized on “collective solidarity”.

“Every citizen must have access to a healthcare offer”did he declare. “We must straighten out, stabilize and encourage permanent care in the city. The French must easily find a doctor on duty ».

In order to unclog city medicine, Emmanuel Macron would like the “use of other health professionals for the renewal of prescriptions for chronic diseases” or for vaccinations.

► The 600,000 patients with a chronic disease will have an attending physician

Today, “6 million of our compatriots” do not have an attending physician, underlined the president. “The 600,000 patients with a chronic disease will be offered a general practitioner by the end of the year”, he announced, “or failing that, a treating team”.

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