World Cancer Day, Broadcasters Conduct Report, Frans Hals Exhibition, and Project Dance: Interviews with Linda Hakeboom, Jan Slagter, Tamar van Riessen, Ed Wubbe, and Nicholas ‘Shaker’ Singer

by time news

2024-02-01 17:08:58

Guests: Linda Hakeboom, Jan Slagter, Ed Wubbe, Nicholas ‘Shaker’ Singer, Tamar van Riessen

Linda Hakeboom about World Cancer Day, which draws attention to life after cancer.

Jan Slagter responds to the report of the Research Committee on Conduct and Culture of Broadcasters.

Tamar van Riessen about the Frans Hals voyage of discovery exhibition that will open in the Rijksmuseum.

Ed Wubbe and Nicholas ‘Shaker’ Singer about Project Dance; a new TV program that searches for the best all-round dancer in the Netherlands.

#Time #MAX #Attention #life #cancer

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