World faces ‘hellish’ climate warming of 3ºC, UN warns ahead of Cop28

by time news

2023-11-23 09:00:02

The world is on its way a “hellish” global warming of 3ºC, the UN has warned ahead of the crucial Cop28 climate summit that begins next week in the United Arab Emirates. From a report:The report found that current carbon reduction policies are so inadequate that 3°C ​​heating would be achieved this century. Temperature records have already been erased in 2023 and intensifying heatwaves, floods and droughts have claimed lives and affected livelihoods around the world, in response to a temperature rise of 1.4 °C to date. Scientists say the worst is yet to come if temperatures continue to rise. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has repeatedly said the world is heading towards a “hellish” future.

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) report says that the implementation of future policies already promised by countries would reduce the 3°C limit by 0.1°C. Implementing the emissions cuts promised by developing countries on condition of receiving financial and technical support would reduce the temperature rise to 2.5°C, which is still a catastrophic scenario. To move towards the internationally agreed target of 1.5°C, 22 billion tonnes of CO2 must be reduced from the total currently projected for 2030, according to the report. This represents 42% of global emissions and is equivalent to the production of the five worst polluters in the world: China, the United States, India, Russia and Japan.

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