World-Schooling: How One Family Created a Global Education Adventure

by time news

Title: Couple Starts “World-School” and Travels with their Four Children

Subtitle: Families Embrace Alternative Education Approach and Embark on Yearlong Journeys

Buffalo, New York – Amanda Dixon, a former second-grade teacher, and her husband Solomon Dixon, a poet and writing workshop conductor, recently embarked on a unique educational adventure with their three young children. The couple’s decision to become “world-schoolers” has transformed their lives and allowed them to travel the globe while providing an enriching learning experience for their children.

Feeling torn between her teaching profession and the desire to spend quality time with her own children, Amanda became inspired to seek an alternative approach to education. The couple, who initially considered homeschooling but desired a social environment for their kids, discovered the world-schooling concept.

World-schooling is a growing movement in which families travel for extended periods while educating their children on the road. The community, characterized by its shared educational and lifestyle philosophies, is often united by a sense of living in a place rather than merely passing through.

To make their dream a reality, the Dixons decided to open a school in another country. Overwhelmed by the prospect, Amanda admitted it seemed impossible at first, given her upbringing that emphasized stability and conventional career paths. However, through extensive research and connections on social media, they discovered numerous families who were successfully pursuing similar educational adventures.

World-schooling families sustain their travels through a variety of remote work options, including online teaching, real estate, and stock trading. Lower living costs and healthcare expenses in many countries make this lifestyle financially feasible. The COVID-19 pandemic has also played a role in the increasing popularity of homeschooling and alternative education options, contributing to a 30% rise in U.S. families engaging in homeschooling between 2019 and 2022.

The educational opportunities for world-schoolers differ depending on the family. Some families mix homeschooling with periods of travel, while others incorporate unschooling or enroll their children in online programs. The flexibility of world-schooling allows children to learn at their own pace in diverse cultural environments.

Over the past three years, a dozen “world schooling hubs” have emerged worldwide. These hubs provide educational activities for a few hours a day, allowing parents time to work remotely. Families pay fees ranging from $250 to $900 per month to participate in more informal hubs. Formalized hubs exist in countries such as Egypt, Spain, Thailand, Morocco, French Polynesia, Peru, Colombia, Portugal, and Bulgaria. They typically operate short-term, with sessions lasting four to six weeks. In addition to structured education, hubs organize family activities and excursions.

World-schooling experiences nurture a deeper understanding of local cultures and foster long-lasting connections. Louise Marie Morris launched the One Family Luxor Worldschool Learning Hub in Egypt, which attracted 25 families per session. Children and parents interact with locals, engage in sporting activities, and gain authentic insights into daily life.

Structured world-schooling programs have also emerged, catering to families seeking a guided experience. Sam Keller’s “Working Without Borders” travel company, which offers month-long educational adventures, has seen success in destinations like French Polynesia, Colombia, and Peru. Families who have participated in these programs have reported transformative experiences and moments of profound personal growth.

Jamie Neilans, a parent who traveled to Peru with her 12-year-old son via “Working Without Borders,” echoed the sentiment shared by many world-schooling families. She emphasized the immense value of experiencing life abroad and witnessing firsthand the positive effects it had on her child’s growth and the quality of family time.

As more families seek non-traditional education options, world-schooling continues to gain momentum worldwide. By embracing this alternative approach to education, parents can embark on life-changing journeys with their children, fostering a global perspective and a passion for learning that extends far beyond the classroom.

Note: Quotes and information for this article were obtained from various sources, including interviews with Amanda and Solomon Dixon, world-schooling families, and educational program founders.

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