‘You are the address of my love’; Anaswara with Anushree’s note

by time news

APranaya Vilasam is a film directed by Nikhil Murali starring Rjun Ashokan, Anaswara Rajan and Mamita Baiju. The film hit the theaters on February 24 and is getting a good response from the audience.

The character of Anushree played by Anaswara Rajan and Vinod of Hakeem Shahjahan in the film have already made a place in the minds of the audience. Now Anushree’s letter to Vinod is being discussed. Apart from sharing his love for Vinod, he also appreciates Hakeem Shahjahan for bringing the character to life. Actress Anaswara Rajan has shared the letter through social media.

‘For my entertainment, you are the address of my love, who lives every moment even in the separation of love. This is also a note of appreciation to the brilliant actor Hakeem Shahjahan who brought life to Anushree’s fictional character Vinod, whom I adore and wish was there in real life,” Answara noted.

The audience response is that the film has portrayed the love of two eras very well.

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