You no longer vote for ideologies

by time news

2023-09-03 07:05:00

The latest votes in Ecuador, with the results of the final candidates and the victory of the YES over Yasuní, clearly demonstrate that people are beyond political ideologies. Only the orthodox can describe the victory of the SI as left-wing and the victory of candidate Noboa as right-wing; as well as the votes of Zurita, Topic and Otto.

If so, the environmentalist Yaku Pérez would have had as many votes as those who voted YES in the consultation. Looking at things from the established ideological dogma would mean that the Ecuadorian has a right-wing political consciousness and a left-wing environmental consciousness. Or that the majority are right-wing environmentalists. To continue dividing things in this way is to not understand reality as it is.

Until about thirty years ago, right-left ideological positions marked politics to some extent, but since then this binary has been fading and now survives in a small sector that continues to operate according to this logic.

And this not only happens in Ecuador but throughout the world. People no longer allow themselves to be manipulated by conventional ideologies; They know that politicians play their own game, and that they can easily change from one trend to another. The Correista candidate herself began her political career in the Social Christian party. What is the big difference between these matches? Only some place more emphasis on the influence of the State, but nothing structural.

This leads us to distinguish political differences within other categories. The people are always one step ahead of the intellectuals. And this cannot be seen as something negative; On the contrary, it means that we are moving to another, much deeper level, beyond going through the parties for political action, and we are approaching other forms of participation and election, which imply other forms of organization and operation on power and its forms of control.

#longer #vote #ideologies

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