You won’t believe.. Unconventional uses for soap

by time news

Follow up – Loujain Ismail:

There are many people who prefer liquid soap. But you shouldn’t give away the rest of your old bar of soap because it can be used for a host of chores in your home. Discover unconventional uses for soap residue. You won’t believe.. Unconventional uses

Facilitate opening the drawers

When the jars are not opening smoothly, rub their edges with a bar of soap. It is also useful to open the sliding door tracks.

Facilitate the installation of furniture

When installing the wooden cabinet, it can be difficult to fasten the parts with screws. But with the latter coated with a little liquid soap, it goes into the wood with ease.

Hide the imperfections of the walls

If you notice a number of holes in the walls, choose a bar of soap that is the same color as the wall paint. Scrubbing the opening to fill it in, in preparation for repainting.

Get rid of the paint

When it’s time to trim paint stuck to panes or mirrors. It is useful to rub the glass, using a bar of soap.

cleaning the glasses

The soap eliminates the fog that forms on the bathroom mirror, and any marks it leaves, after you shower. After the mirror is completely dry, rub it with a piece of soap and wipe it with a dry cloth. The same method is applied to cleaning the darkened glasses, whether they are prescription glasses or sunglasses.

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