Your doctor will no longer carry out these pointless treatments –

by time news

Sometimes it is better to do nothing, doctors conclude. Based on the latest scientific insights, they drew up a list of thirty treatments that they will no longer perform.

De Volkskrant lists a number of them. Four of the thirty recommendations concern chronic knee complaints. The advice is then not to make any more X-rays or MRIs, not to tape, not to use arch supports or ‘shockwave’, not to refer to a sports doctor or orthopedic surgeon and not to do injections with hyaluronic acid. GPs also advise restraint in the case of back, hand and wrist complaints.

Furthermore, laboratory research is often unnecessary. For example, it is not necessary in case of acute diarrhea or possible joint inflammation. Also, testing for food allergy, lactose or gluten intolerance in children with abdominal pain is usually not necessary. General practitioner and professor Jako Burgers of the NHG says in the newspaper: “Just like adults get a headache under pressure, a child can get a stomachache from problems at school or if the atmosphere at home is not good.”

Other advice is to refrain from antibiotics if you have persistent ear, eye or respiratory infections. “If there are no indications of complications or a serious course”, then the antibiotics and ointments can be omitted, says Burgers.

The list also states that no automatic repeat prescriptions should be issued for heavy painkillers. And one of the most important pieces of advice: inhibit chronic use of antacids. 80 percent of users would have no clear indication for it. Stopping is often difficult because the stomach irritation quickly returns, but this is often due to poor eating habits or alcohol consumption.

Bron (nen): De Volkskrant

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