Yuval Dayan: “From first grade I write in SD in a notebook. What did everyone remember that I was religious? “

by time news

Yuval Dayan, the successful singer and songwriter, opens up about the approach to religion, the observance of Shabbat, the modest clothing and the desire to establish Beit Shomer Shabbat. In an interview with Efrat Wechtel from Mako, Dayan spoke about repentance eight years ago.

“These are always dramatic headlines – ‘Repentance.’ That it was not a spin, “says Dayan.

“From first grade I write in SD in a notebook. What did everyone remember that I was religious? “

Dayan also shared in her traditional background: “My family is a traditional Moroccan, both my parents came from religious homes, it was no exception. From first grade I write in SD in a notebook. What did everyone remember that I was religious? It’s always been there. Even as a secularist I was a more reserved person, it was always there. The critical stop was eight years ago, when I started keeping Shabbat, it’s a process. “

“The world of Judaism, spirituality, meets a lot of creators, because it’s a similar frequency,” Dayan says of the wave of repentance.

And what about a voice in a pubic woman? “Understands, but does not fulfill”

When Dayan is asked about the observance of the halachah that forbids women from singing in front of men, she takes a step back. “I appreciate Etty Ankry, for example, who chose to appear only in front of women, and I understand her choice. But I’m not in this place right now. I understand this halakhah, but I do not observe it. It does not make her unworthy or irrelevant. “I do not mock things I can not do. There is the Torah and there is me and that is where I am placed in relation to it. It is simple for me to appear before men, I have no interest in this thing.”

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