Zampetoglou’s question that surprised Lena Drosaki – “If you want to answer”, “What do you mean?”

by time news

Lena Drosaki initially found herself in an awkward position live on air, as Nancy Zampetoglou surprised her with a question she asked her.

The well-known actress was invited to Studio 4 of ERT, with the presenter asking her if the trial in the first instance in the complaint she had made against Petros Filippidis played a role in her divorce with Alexandros Bourdoumis.


“Now, sorry for what I’m about to ask, answer if you want. Do you feel that among all the things that the trial at first instance left you with was the divorce? Has this trial affected your personal life?” Zampetoglou specifically asked, with Lena Drosaki visibly surprised and answering: “What do you mean?”.

“I had also asked Alexander and he had said “yes”,” said the host of the show, who had previously also invited the ex-husband of the actress.

“And what had he said? I hadn’t seen that interview of yours, I was sleeping that afternoon. I will put it on YouTube to see,” said Lena Drosaki.

Lena Drosaki had fun at her father’s carnival with her three brothers – The photo from the “red dance”

Alexandros Bourdoumis spoke about his life after breaking up with Lena Drosaki


Then he answered more seriously. “I will tell you. I believe that when something is strong, when there is communication and love, it can be seen in difficult times. This is my opinion. Life does not only have joys and celebrations, it also has very great difficulties”.

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