Zelensky at the closest allies. He arrived in Poland with his wife, and angry farmers are waiting for him

by time news

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi arrived in Poland with his wife, and they were officially welcomed by Polish President Andrzej Duda and his wife in the presidential palace in Warsaw. Poland belongs to the countries that most support Ukraine facing Russian aggression. The visit comes at a time when Polish Agriculture Minister Henryk Kowalczyk has announced that he will resign. The resignation is a response to farmers’ protests in connection with the increased import of Ukrainian grain, the Polish server Onet.pl wrote. Polish farmers complain that the Polish market has been flooded by cheaper Ukrainian production.

Today in Warsaw, Zelensky is expected to hold talks with the Polish president on security issues, but also on economic cooperation or topics related to Polish-Ukrainian history, he said earlier on the radio station RMF FM Przydacz. The presidents will also talk about importing Ukrainian grain to Poland, where farmers complain that cheaper Ukrainian production has flooded the Polish market.

According to press agencies, Zelenskyj is also supposed to negotiate with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and would meet mhe worked with Ukrainian refugees or with businessmen who could participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine.

This is what the road to Bachmut looks like.

The Ukrainian General Staff, in its regular morning report on the development of the fighting today, states that the invasion units continue to concentrate on the attack in the directions of Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdijivka and Marjinka in the Donetsk region. According to him, the epicenter of the fighting is the towns of Bachmut and Marjinka.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi arrived in Poland, where he will hold talks with his counterpart Andrzej Duda. The Polish television station TVN24 reported on this with reference to the advisor of the Polish president for foreign policy, Marcin Przydacze. Poland belongs to the countries that most support Ukraine facing Russian aggression.

“I can say that President Zelenskyi crossed the Polish border,” an adviser to the Polish president confirmed to TVN24 in the morning.

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Poland belongs to the countries which most support the Ukrainians, who have been facing Russian aggression for more than a year. It helps them militarily and also serves as a logistics center for the transport of military material to Ukraine. This country has also received the highest number of Ukrainian refugees in absolute terms, more than a million in the last 13 months, Reuters wrote.

Zelenskyy has rarely traveled abroad since the invasion of his homeland by Russian troops last February. The current visit to Poland is his third trip abroad since the beginning of the Russian invasion and at the same time his first official visit to Poland. the BBC noted on its Russian-language website. Zelensky previously visited the neighboring country briefly during his trip to Washington last year and this February during his trip to London, Paris and Brussels.

Zelensky’s visit today it is supposed to be a gesture of gratitude to the neighboring country for its essential support of Ukraine in its defense against the Russian invasion, writes the AP agency. Among other things, she draws attention to the fact that the Ukrainian president is accompanied by his wife Olena Zelenská on his foreign trip today. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, the first couple of Ukraine traveled abroad independently.

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