Zelensky Brussels | Zelensky begins his visit to Brussels with a speech in the Eurochamber

by time news

The last time the Ukrainian anthem was played in Brussels was seven years ago during the signing of the EU-Ukraine association agreement. This Thursday its notes, the same as those of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, the European anthem, have been played again in the European Parliament to receive the President of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenskiin a solemn session in what has been his second trip abroad since hee Russia invade and attack your country almost a year ago. The Ukrainian leader, received with a lot of applause and a huge ovation, took advantage of the lectern in the chamber to thank his country for its support, denounce the supremacist strategy of Russia and remember that they are defending themselves against the “greatest anti-European force in the modern world.” “We are defending ourselves and we are defending you,” she has settled.

His speech, lasting about 15 minutes and in Ukrainian, delivered after a triumphant entrance distributing thanks, has revolved particularly on the european way of life and the attempts by the Kremlin to destroy it. “This is our Europe, it is our rules, our way of life and for Ukraine the EU is the way home. I am here to defend the way home for all of us, for all Ukrainians, whatever their age, creed, social status, whatever they think. Everyone has to enjoy this common European history”, he claimed during a solemn and historic session in which he harshly attacked Russia and the war launched against his country on February 24.

This total war launched by Russia is not directed exclusively at the territory, of this part or that of Europe. There is a dictator who has many arms reserves. The Kremlin has deliberately been trying to eliminate the value of human life. The value of life has been destroyed in Russia, the lives of Russians have no value, only those of those who are in the Kremlin”, he denounced before an absolutely full plenary session, demanding as a response to Europe, peace and security as precondition for the Ukrainian dream to come true.

“I am proud to tell you that the European House of Democracy and its members, our European UnionThey will always be with you”, the president of the European Parliament responded during a brief presentation. “We understand that they are not only fighting for their values ​​but for ours and that makes us all Europeans”, she recalled, urging European governments to honor the Ukrainian “sacrifice” not only with words but with deeds. “States must quickly consider supplying the long-range (missile) systems and aircraft they need to protect the freedom that too many have taken for granted as a next step. Our response must be proportional to the threat, and the threat is existential”, claimed Roberta Metsola, the first president of a European institution to visit kyiv last year.

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, receives the President of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenski, in Brussels, upon his arrival in Belgium together with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron. Dario Pignatelli/EU Council/dpa

“Unbreakable Solidarity”

The one this Thursday with Zelenski has been a ssolemn session without the intervention of the political groups although the conference of presidents, which brings together the presidents of the political groups, has issued a statement in which it reaffirms its “unwavering solidarity” with the people of Ukraine, its support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and its satisfaction with the efforts made by the Zelensky government to get closer to the EU in the framework of the accession process. “We trust that all the necessary conditions are met so that the accession negotiations begin as soon as possible,” say the presidents of the political groups who also emphasize their willingness to do everything possible to hold the Russian officials accountable for the war crimes and atrocities committed in Ukraine.

The release also makes un call on Member States to continue helping Ukraine in political, military, economic, infrastructural, financial and humanitarian terms. “Ukraine must be supported as it defends itself against Russia’s continuing, illegal and brutal war of aggression. We make a new call to the States to increase and accelerate their military assistance, the supply of the necessary military equipment and defense systems and the training of the Ukrainian armed forces, ”the groups demand.

The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola. EP

The Ukrainian president landed shortly before 10 am in Brussels on the presidential plane of Emmanuel Macron coming from Paris, where he met this past Wednesday with the French leader and the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, after a first visit to London. The Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander deCrooand the presidents of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyenand of the European Council, Charles Michel, who has subsequently received him for Zelenski’s intervention before the European Council -he has participated up to now six times but electronically- to participate in person in a working session dedicated to Ukraine and hold bilateral meetings with the different European leaders.

American doping

In addition to the situation in Ukraine, the Twenty-Seven agenda also includes two other major debates that divide the Twenty-Seven: the first, the plan industrial raised by Brussels a few weeks ago to relaunch European competitiveness and face the protectionism of third countries such as the United States or China and the second the asylum and immigration policy. The Twenty-seven will take the opportunity to ask Brussels to specify the plan to deal with massive US doping and aid from other countries such as China. The EU countries agree that state aid policy has to be simpler and faster so that investments can be accelerated and aid more flexible.

Volodímir Zelenski and Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament. EFE

“We maintain an intermediate position. We believe that (state aid) should be made more flexible, raising the notification thresholds but limited in time and sectors. In the coming years, efforts must be made on green issues and this requires flexibility. But this has to be limited in time to specific sectors, detailed green sectors”, explain sources from the Spanish government who estimate that Europe’s response will not be late but that it needs to speed up. The same is requested by many other delegations that share the fear that any tweaks in state aid policy will end up distorting and fragmenting the European market given the different fiscal leeway available to the Twenty-seven, particularly Germany and France.

“We hope that by summer there will be legislative texts to allow many companies that are making investment decisions to end up staying in Europe because there is a perception that Europe is reacting very quickly,” Spanish government sources point out about the position that it will defend President Pedro Sanchez during the summit. There are more differences regarding the sources of financing and the eventual sovereign fund raised by President Ursula von der Leyen, although the summit will limit itself to taking note of Brussels’ intention to present a proposal before the summer.

Returns and border control

The same unknowns are raised by the migration debate, also very divisive, although this time it will focus on the element that generates the most consensus among the Twenty-seven: the management of the foreign dimension. “Given the increase in the number of irregular border crossings via most routes and internal movements within the Union, we must together find a sustainable, responsible and humane solution. I propose that we focus, in particular, on the external dimension of migration, reinforcing our external action, improving returns and readmissions, better controlling our external borders and fighting against trafficking and smuggling”, said the President of the European Council, Charles Michelin your invitation letter.

The draft conclusions are based on the fact that it is a European problem that requires a European response and agrees on the need to speed up the returns of illegal immigrants -based on cooperation with third countries- and reinforcement of control of the borders with the support of the Frontex agency. At the request of some delegations, the draft calls for mobilizing european funds to support Member States to strengthen their control capacities and infrastructures, means of surveillance and equipment. A commitment that for some delegations means a free hand to finance the fence construction.

Until now, the Community Executive had refused to finance border walls with European funds, but there are several countries that are putting pressure, with Austria in the lead, in order to strengthen border control on borders as problematic as that of Bulgaria and Turkey. “One of the problems it has is because it does not have a fence and cannot properly control its border with Turkey,” says a senior diplomatic official who insists that the more effective there is in the countries of entry, the less risk of secondary movements there will be within. of the EU.

Spain will defend in the European Council the value of cooperation with third countries and the benefits of collaboration and prevention. “From Spain we are in favor of positive rather than negative incentives when dealing with third countries. Negative incentives turn against us. Introducing conditionality or restrictions on the issue of visas (for example) as a punishment so that there is more control of irregular immigration and there are more returns, from our experience we do not believe that it helps ”, say government sources

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